Monday, February 12, 2007

Some more pictures in Muar

Peace be upon you dear readers. Here I'm moved again to show some pictures taken in and around Muar. Do have a look!

The monumental gate at Tanjung Emas


The gates from a different angle


The town of Muar seen from Tanjung Emas


The mouth of Muar river seen from the sides of the town's main bus station


Muar Traders Hotel, used to be the UMNO Pagoh building. The 12-storey building is the first "sky-scraper" in Muar


The old Muar bridge seen from the sides of the main bus station


Muar's main mosque


The tower at the main mosque


The scene inside the main mosque


Muar's second main mosque (an almost exact replica) situated at Tanjung Agas, the opposite side of Muar river, seen from nearby the original main mosque


The second main mosque seen from sides of the main bus station


The second mosque seen from Tanjung Emas