Monday, July 09, 2007

Janda Baik my resting place

Greetings dear readers. I'm now at a computer shop in Raub, Pahang using its paid wi-fi line to make new postings in my blogspots before continuing my journey to Kuala Lipis, me feels tomorrow, God willing!
Here, I will record some pictures taken at the village of Janda Baik, Bentong, Pahang, this time while resting there Friday till Sunday. For sure, Janda Baik do have some sort of mystical attraction which makes me often wants to go there especially for rest and to escape the madness of daily life.
As usual, I will try to weave a story as far as possible, as far as what can come out from this self often tired and weighed down by the trials and tribulations of life. So do accept the presentation as it is... Read... Read in the name of Allah who invents and moves every writing...

This is a picture of parts of Sungai (river of) Chemperoh next to the house of my adopted father S.H. Alattas atau Pak Habib. Once upon a time, the area used to be my main resting place and venue for playing about whenever resting in Janda Baik.

A part of Pak Habib's house complex.

Janda Baik's police station.

Hmm... What shall we call this. Is it a monument? What is sure, it is a kind of marking which says one is already inside the village of Janda Baik.
Oh... Maybe some would ask, why is the village named Janda Baik (literally translated, 'the good widow')? Which widow is so good such that her 'nickname' becomes the name of a village in the middle of the mountains of Banjaran Titiwangsa (Peninsular Malaysia's main mountain range).
Actually there are a few versions of stories on how the village became known as Janda Baik. But I tend to believe the story about the woman whose husband went out and left her... There's a story saying the husband is a bad person, a gambler and such. There's one that says he just went out to travel and never came back.
What is sure, the wife is faithful. Although her beauty invited many suitors, she still holds the fort and waited for the husband to return.
According to Islamic law, a wife left without physical and 'non-pyhsical' support (Sorry... Can't find the right translation for batin in this context as it denotes a husband's duty to give sexual pleasure to his wife) for up to a certain period (I think about 3 months) has the right to sever a marital tie. Maybe that is why the woman in this story is called Janda Baik (the good widow)? Because, although according to the story, she was never divorced, she can be called a widow considering that the woman is said to pass away while the husband (or ex-husband?) never came back. Or maybe the husband passed away earlier, and so the woman became a widow?
A more mysterious story said, the Good Widow meant here is still alive up to this day living at the mountains nearby! She lives in the unseen world, once in while appearing in this visible material world especially when there's somebody who really needs help!

This is the main gate to a private property. Look at the carvings and the trees on its side. Beautiful isn't it?

This is a house based on bamboos being built by a friend, Ahmad Nazim. Nazim is a British citizen who have embraced Islam for sometime and is married to a local citizen.
The building seen here was built using his own hands and muscles with the help of some friends. Seen in the picture is Nazim and one of his daughters.

Look carefully at this picture. Behind the trees at the back is and old house from Perak, said to be an old palace. The story is available here... Rumah lama Perak di Janda Baik (An old Perak house...

Oh... Maybe some would ask, where do I often stay nowadays when in Janda Baik? After all at the start of this article, I did say, once upon a time, I used to stay at Pak Habib's place, meaning that I don't stay there anymore isn't it?
The answer is in the link given above also in a new posting about book promotion to be made at the
CATATAN SI MERAH SILU blogspot later. Meanwhile, let me make the necessary updates for the other blogspots ya... Peace be upon you!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Chapter 1 of "Berpetualang ke Aceh".... Establishing the raison d'etre

Last night, I managed to tanslate/adapt quite a portion of Chapter 1 of my first book "Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti" (literally translated as "The trip to Aceh: In Search of Self and Meaning". At first, I wanted to complete the process for the whole chapter before posting it here in three parts, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week... But on second thought, why not just share what has already been done... So here goes...
Oh... Feel free to make comments. Maybe it can help better the translation/adaptation process?



Late afternoon 31st December 2003. Festive smell starts to permeate the air. Although this small office above an automotive workshop at Jalan Gombak is quite sheltered from the madness outside, Rasyid can hear clearly the commotion of people laughing and being merry outside.
Once in a while, sounds of fireworks in action can be heard coming from multiple directions... Although there’s still six hours before midnight, before the whole of Kuala Lumpur also the whole of Malaysia, in fact the whole world starts celebrating happy new year!
Mohamed Hasrat have just completed an assignment for Pak Syed, the office owner. Rasyid who is sitting beside looked at Hasrat and asks: “What about tonight bro? What’s your plan?”
The last one month, the Singaporean became the only companion for talking and exchanging ideas… While spending night and day at the office finishing up Pak Syed’s latest book.
Hasrat was about to say something when Pak Syed interjects: “ What’s wrong with you? Thinking of enjoying only… Just think… What have you done all year? Have you been a success or a failure? What have you contributed? What have you done with your life? Have you done anything beneficial?”
Rasyid refused to answer. He just held his tounge… Quite… Long pause….
The old man continues: “By right, in times like this, you should be evaluating what you’ve done with your life. Make a self-examination… See the mistakes and what went wrong… Not like what you’re doing now, just thinking of having fun… How can you achieve success? Just look at me…”
Pak Syed went on to give a lecture about life and success, about writing and publishing books… About how he himself made his moves before becoming a famous writer. The lad just listens, not thinking at all about having fun. There’s just too much on his mind. New year is just around the corner but yet the problems weighing him down are not settled. Everything feels so plain and tasteless …. How can one have the mood to enjoy? Even looking at a crowd makes him feel uneasy, even queasy. Is it possible to celebrate new year like this?
Suddenly Rasyid remembered what it’s once like during year end celebrations in the 80s and 90, when he really likes to enjoy and have fun. Then, he really deserves it if Pak Syed wants to give a lecture. In those days he would prepare early the shoes, pants and shirts to wear and show-off… To make sure he would look really good and rise above the crowd… Plan in advance with friends, discuss which locations are happening, which venues best to hang-on for the night.
Places like Merdeka Square are not so bad, you can see free concert and fireworks show. But the lad is so used to spending his college days at exclusive nightclubs like Scandals at Bukit Bintang and Faces at Jalan Ampang, places where the patrons have class, not simply any Joe or John Doe off the street… Then only can he find the type of girls that could meet his rather discerning taste.
In those days, his weekends are often spent with friends of similar persuasion, dancing and chasing girls, that is if they don’t bring their girlfriends or dates along… Laughing all night, enjoying and having drinks, sometimes at up to seven discos a night! From Scandals to Faces, then a change of air at Traqs. Eh… Was it Trax? Forgot the spelling, even the disco does not exist anymore. What is sure, it used to be at Jalan Ampang too, not far from the many clubs inside the golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur.
When new clubs (well, they were considered new in the 80s!) like Phase 2, 11 LA and what nots grew up out of nowhere, it just means there’s more interesting places to frequent and fill his youth. If possible, every and each place must be explored to his heart’s content… What can you say, being young with seemingly limitless energy to boot..
Often, these sessions of ‘laughter and happiness’ only end after 5 in the morning… At times up to 7 at old discos like Reflections (at the basement of Merlin Hotel, now known as Concorde Hotel) which operates until the sun comes out! Before all the pub-crawling is closed with early breakfast at roadside footstalls in Bangsar… Forget about Subuh, the complusory early morning prayers forMuslims… Forget about everything! As a Muslim, you’re not supposed to drink and be so free with girls but being young and ‘free’ then, who cares?
At times the former PPP/ITM (the preparatory college for studying overseas) student will ‘lose’ his way at Bukit Gasing, Petaling Jaya or the area behind Bukit Ceylon next to Bukit Nenas… Or at any place where there’s plenty of cars ‘breaking down’ (wink! wink!). But that was then, when he really enjoys attention and likes to be surrounded by friends especially girls. Now, the situation is different, so much different….
Rasyid’s age of enjoyment is long gone… So much have changed until the lad who used to really love talking - whenever there’s people he must be the centre attention - has become a rather quite person, almost like a dumb. He has gone through too much to redeem all the sins of yore and this includes leaving the crowd to be a rather unsociable person, not caring what he looks like until he becomes so comfortable with old clothings which are practially rags, not caring at all about grooming.
If once, the lad is very fussy about his looks, now he does not care. He wears shirt, pants and clothes just to keep himself from being naked, not thinking at all about trend, matching colours, branded goods and such, whether it’s made overseas or just local poduct from Gombak. Not that he wants to pick-up women or go to discos and night-clubs, look smart, follow the dress-code or just simply showing off... This guy has long left the hypocrite world which he used to be proud of…
It’s not that Pak Syed don’t know this… It’s been almost two years since Rasyid started being with him helping out in writing and editting his books, about five of it… Is there just too much thrace of sins and leftovers of guilt apparent enough for the guy who have not tasted nightlife for years? A guy so busy trying to clean himself and turn a new leaf but yet easily accused as someone who just wants to enjoy and have fun? Is it fair?