Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Janda Baik revisited again...

Now that the stories on my last long travel has been wrapped up, I feel like sharing these pictures taken in the last 2 days in Janda Baik, Pahang...

Here is the pix of Gunung Nuang, the tallest mountain in Selangor taken from the Pulau Santap area in Janda Baik which is in the district of Bentong, Pahang.

This is part of Janda Baik in front of the only regular school within a 15km radius or so...

The main mosque of Janda Baik...

Another view of Gunung Nuang, a kilometre of so closer...

And this is a pix of a small waterfall which is actually outside of Janda Baik, perhaps 20km from that area on the old Bentong to Kuala Lumpur road... By the way, this pix was taken about 4 hours ago...

I climbed a bit to reach this part and took a dip in the nude... Later I arrived in Kuala Lumpur and made several postings in my blogspots including this one. That's all ya! Enjoy the weekend and to Muslim all over the world., Eid Mubarak or Selamat Hari Raya!!! :]

Finally, back to Kuala Lumpur!

And as the title suggest, time to wrap up the stories made based on my last long travel covering Pahang, Kelantan, Kedah, Perak and Selangor...

From Kuala Kubu Baru, a friend came to bring me back to Kuala Lumpur... We decided to use the Batang Kali route and stopped at this nice little vacation area...

If I'm not mistaken, the river is called Sungai Tua, a nice river for taking a few dips...

Now I could just end this story by going straight to Kuala Lumpur or just ignore my little incursion to this place but my strange instinct told me just write these parts even if it look irrelevent, at least for closure...

We stopped by at one side of the place to watch people playing motor-cross . Then it's time to go...

Actually I didn't go straight to KL. Another friend called to meet me up to Rawang. So I went there. Only later at night did I return by Komuter train and then the LRT...

This picture is taken the next day in KL, Monday 30th July after a nice sleep at an auntie's place in Ampang where I'm currently staying at... Put up the "Berpetualang ke Aceh" promotional poster as a sign the tour ends.

Now that this is done, do try to follow the stories again from the start. God willing, you'll find some messages useful to you. Cheers! :]

A day at Kuala Kubu Baru

OK. In my last posting here From Perak to Selangor... Time to start settling down , I mentioned that the day was ended with me taking a bus to Kuala Kubu Baru. So I arrived at the rather cute Selangor town at around a 9pm or so and found a cheap hotel...

The next day, I decided to snap some pictures of the town...

This is a food-stall where I often stopped at when visiting Kuala Kubu Baru...

The day was a weekend, Sunday, 29th July... So the streets were practically deserted accept for this part where some people were selling fruits picked direct from nearby orchards.

I did have a closer look but forgot to snap pictures of the fruits available, mainly rambutans and mangosteens...

Whatever, Kuala Kubu Baru never fails to impress me in a strange calming way... Maybe because of the many pre-war shoplots in a quite atmosphere, maybe because it is situated near the main range of mountains of Banjaran Titiwangsa?

I took the opportunity to hang the "Berpetualang ke Aceh" promotional poster at what I consider a strategic spot. Next! :]