Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Raub... My last stop before the East Coast journey officially ends...

After Kuala Lipis, I went to Raub, still in Pahang... Slept at my late grandmother's house for 2 nights before I got the "message" to return straight to Kuala Lumpur and practically finish my latest journey to the East Coast.

I left the Pahang town on Wednesday 9th April 2008. So you could say it is my last stop before the East Coast journey which took 3 weeks ends...

Here's some pictures around Raub for prosperity. Cheers! :]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Enjoying Kuala Lipis' "cute" little facade...

Just some pictures of the "cute" town of Kuala Lipis, after arriving from Dabong, Kelantan on the 6th of April 2008... For the record, I spent a night there as my latest journey to the East Coast is approaching its final curtain...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Testing... Blogger video upload...

Testing, testing... I got the same video uploaded last night but using a friend's computer. It seems there's some problem trying to upload it using my own laptop, perhaps because my Internet connection then was secondary riding on the friend's computer to computer connection.

Today, I tried it again using a different browser, Avant uploaded just now from the Net. Although this video takes some time to upload compared to using my friend's computer which seems to take less than 10 seconds, it worked much better. The video is uploaded in at least under a minute while last night using Internet Explorer as the browser I couldn't get it uploaded even after waiting for more than 20 minutes!

Dabong and so on...

After Masjid Kampung Laut, I went to Wakaf Baru near Kota Bahru to take a train southwards to Dabong, still in Kelantan but quite far inland. There, I spent a night at the local main mosque before climbing parts of the Stong mountain to get to a very impressive waterfall, the tallest in South East Asia!

Later, I took another train to go further southwards, to get out of the state of Kelantan. Here are some pictures of Dabong and some took on the train journey southwards...