Friday, August 15, 2008

The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: From Kuala Talang on to Seremban to close the trip!

Greetings. Tonight let us finish the little series on the latest trip to Negeri Sembilan. Continuing from the article The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: Around Seri Menanti and on... Here it is.

OK. At the end of the article The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: Around Seri Menanti and on... , I made a little riddle. Where did I go to from Seri Menanti? Here I might as well come clean as we're already on the subject. The possible next destination from Seri Menanti as shown in the roadsigns in that article pointed to either Seremban, Kuala Pilah or Tanjung Ipoh.

Actually it's none. In fact the road taken to get to the next destination could as well take you to all three places!

OK, I'll stop fooling around. From Seri Menanti I took the road that says to Tanjong Ipoh or Kuala Pilah. Almost 20 km later it entered a T-Junction for the main road from Seremban to Kuala Pilah and vice versa.

The place I wanted to go to next was actually Kuala Talang. From the junction one have to head to Seremban and reach Tanjung Ipoh. It is from there only one could enter the small road to Kuala Talang.

So what is available there? Well for one there's the mosque shown up here. For better information, read the article Makam (Tomb of) Tuan Tulis in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART)

After I'm done, I head back to Tanjung Ipoh... Then only I took a picture of a megalithic site along the way. For information, there's plenty such sites within a 20km radius or so of this area!

Then I head to Seremban. Here's a nice place, Terachi... Quite vast tracks of padi field, not as vast as that in Kedah but still having it's own character surrounded by plenty of greens, jungles and a certain kind of tranquility that at times felt like magic! Perhaps because of the existence of many megalithic stones around? The locals would swear that the stones are alive and growing because of some magical quality...
Hmm... Padi fields, greens and hills. Too bad time then was after 6pm while I hope to get to Seremban still more than 20km away before dusk.

Now 20km might not be that far... Ideally, you could always speed the car and cover 20km in less than 10 minutes. But that's probably on a highway, not on a single lane road with some traffic, not when you know at one point it has to climb and weave up the Malaysian main range of Banjaran Titiwangsa before you could weave down to reach Seremban...

Whatever, I tried to enjoy the view as much and as often as I can. So here's another picture from inside the car...
This place which marks the way to a waterfall and picnic area is close to where the climb up the hills and the main range starts...

As it turned out, the climb was rather fast and smooth. It was the way down which became painfully slow because of a long trailer carefully negotiating the many bends while blocking others from overtaking... Until just outside the outskirts of Seremban where the road is straight enough and larger.

Anyway, I arrived at the Negeri Sembilan capital at almost 7pm but there's still enough sunlight to take a picture at my last destination in this particular trip... The tomb of another saintly person. Hmm... I'm sure I've posted an article with some pictures on this particular tomb somewhere in one of my blogspots but couldn't find it.

By the way it is the tomb of a very prominent personality of Negeri Sembilan, Sheikh Muhammad Said al-Linggi. He is a much revered and referred-to religious authority of the late 19th Century till the 20th Century and his children and grandchildren continued to command respect and became places of reference till this day!

With the visit here, the unexpected trip to Negeri Sembilan was concluded. So let me end my current session of writing here. Good night! :]

p/s: Just now when I was looking for other things only did I found the article on Muhammad Said. Here it is Makam (tomb of) Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi , from the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) written 2 months ago. Cheers!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: Around Seri Menanti and on...

And so I reached Seri Menanti. I immediately head for the main destination there. Above is the gates to the said destination...

So what is this place? Welcome to the old Negeri Sembilan palace which has been turned into a museum. For more pictures of it, look at the article Istana lama (the old palace of) Seri Menanti... in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) ...

Once done at the palace, I immediately head out of Seri Menanti as there's one or two other destinations I wanted to catch before dusk, both being situated at a distance to each other. As I was about to leave the small town, I saw this archway... It was only when I passed it on the way out that I felt like taking a picture... I saw something else calling me to visit...

Actually I saw another arch, a white one pointing the way to the Negeri Sembilan royal mausoleum. But the gates to arch were locked. So I had to go through the way to the mosque... The royal mosque of Tuanku Munawir...

The mosque...

Ah... This must be the Negeri Sembilan royal mausoleum...

Yes it is. It's just that there's no one buried here, yet.

Then I realised this one is the new royal mausoleum built likely for the present royal family. As it turned out, the existing (and used) royal mausoleum is behind it. Have a look at the article Makam diraja (royal mausoleum of) Negeri Sembilan, Seri Menanti in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) .

Whatever, it's time to leave Seri Menanti. A last look at the nice background of hills from inside the car...

So where's the next destination? Guess... I took the straight road. Is it to Tanjung Ipoh or Kuala Pilah?

Almost 20km later, I arrived at another junction... So now, is it to Seremban or Kuala Pilah?

I took the left turning. But if I wanted to go to Seremban, I could have taken the earlier left turning at Seri Menanti. So where am I going? Try reasoning by elimination... As the famous detective Sherlock Holmes would say, elemantary my dear Watson...

Whataver, here is written my next destination. We'll continue the story next time. Cheers! :]

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An artfully creative wooden house in Seri Menanti!

OK. This should be the 234th posting in the blogspot. Read on...

Just before reaching the signboard of Seri Menanti as shown in the article The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: From Rembau to Seri Menanti... , I saw this interesting wooden house on the road-side...

It certainly is not a typical Malay wooden house. In fact there is no such Malay architecture design!

Whatever, it is interesting. From the look of it, it could only be built by someone creative with a unique sense of art and a strong sense of individuality to veer away from the usual without feeling any shame or fear of critics...

I mean just look at that. Although it looks unpopulated (I could see nobody around), perhaps it is not fit enough a place to stay in because of lack of proper amenities? Anyway it is the kind of place I would build myself and be proud of... That is if I have the money or the opportunity which I don't have...

Then I saw the garage besides with some big bikes which looks like it is either undergoing repair or alteration works... Suddenly I'm reminded of a newspaper article I've read a few years ago on a member of the royalty who likes to design, alter and build big bikes. Perhaps this is his place, right at the outskirt of the Negeri Sembilan royal town of Seri Menanti? Perhaps that is why he could afford to built such a place?

Whatever, for me this unique house (or rather, a place?) merits it's own article here. So that's it, the 234th entry in the blogspot. Good day! :]

The unexpected Negeri Sembilan trip: From Rembau to Seri Menanti...

Ladies and gentlemen, 3 months ago I made a trip around and to selected locations in Negeri Sembilan while making video-clips of it. While the video-clips which featured me as the host explaining the story behind each location in Malay were posted in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU , the static pictures were mainly featured here under the "Journey to Negeri Sembilan" series... Starting with the article Journey to Negeri Sembilan. A new chapter begins... published 27th May.

That trip was supposed to cover another round of locations but time did not permit it. Only more than a month later did I have the opportunity to complete it. And thus another series of writings were posted under the main title "The Negeri Sembilan journey continued" starting with the article The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : A look at the fort of Lukut...

Last week on very short notice, a girlfriend called and asked me to accompany her to see a certain religious old lady in Rembau. So I accompanied her... And without plan, the visit was extended to other locations and in turn quite a long round through Negeri Sembilan!

If the trip 3 months ago was a semi-circle through part of the outer rims of north-east Negeri Sembilan via Kuala Klawang on to the state capital Seremban before it was closed at the tomb of Raja Melewar in Rembau at night, the following trip more than a month later was also a semi-circle but through Sepang, Lukut and on to Port Dickson and Tanjung Tuan in the west-coast before it also ended at night at the tomb of Raja Melewar. The recent trip on the other hand could be said to start at the tomb of Raja Melewar... And then it weaves on through a route I've never ever taken before to the royal town of Seri Menanti and then to a certain location before heading to Seremban and then back to Kuala Lumpur. Here is the story...

Originally this trip is supposed to be only up to the said lady's place. She was recommended by a friend as someone of much foresight and gave us some valuable advice on life. There at her house, when I was about to answer the call of nature it came to mind... I'm already in Rembau, why not have another look at the tomb of Raja Melewar?

For the record, I've been at the tomb twice, during the previous trips around Negeri Sembilan but arrived there both at night. It was noon when I made the trip to visit this old lady. So there should be ample time to get to the tomb and see it for the first time in broad daylight... After all it is about 20km or so from the lady's house... For pictures of the tomb, please read the article Makam Raja Melewar di siang hari (The tomb of Raja Melewar during the day) in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART)

We also took the opportunity to visit the replica of Raja Melewar's place which is also a museum. This is the first time I went in as it was closed both times I was around before. Do have a look at the article Replika istana (The palace replica of Raja Melewar) , also in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) .

The old lady whose father is a deceased prominent religious person said to be of saintly status said we should also visit the tomb of Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi in Seremban. I've been there a few times and the last one was in the opening trip around Negeri Sembilan 3 months ago. Have a look at the article Makam (tomb of) Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi .

Actually after the thought to visit the tomb of Raja Melewar came to mind, came the feeling to visit the tomb of Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi even before she mentioned it. So it was already in my ad hoc plan for the day should we have the time. Another place which came to mind then was the tomb of Tuan Tulis some distance to the east of Seremban which I last visited perhaps more than 5 years ago! Now here is another prominent saintly personality of Negeri Sembilan.

So this was the plan... After visiting the tomb of Raja Melewar, I would head back up north to Seremban to visit the tomb of Sheikh Muhammad Said before going east to the tomb of Tuan Tulis. Then also came a desire to visit the royal small town of Seri Menanti too but it is slightly off the way, quite a few kilometres actually... Would I be able to visit all this places in time? Before the girlfriend had to return home to Kuala Lumpur before dark?

As it turns out, it was at the replica of Raja Melewar's museum that I learned of a route which would make a trip covering all the said places possible within time. I found out that I could get to the tomb of Tuan Tulis which is towards the town of Kuala Pilah without going to Seremban... I have to go through to Seremban later anyway to get back to KL, so I could reserve that for the finishing leg...

Coincidently while going from the old lady's place southwards to get to the tomb of Raja Melewar, I saw the junction in the picture above which somehow made me feel I must go through this way one day, perhaps later if I have the time to see what's inside. As it turned out, it is the alternative route to get to Kuala Pilah from Rembau without going to Seremban...

So I took the road and saw this nice view. At the end of the horizon, the road would climb and weave through a saddle lower part of Malaysia's main mountain range, the Banjaran Titiwangsa.

Somewhere on top of that part of the range is the Rembau-Kuala Pilah districts border...

Later, I came across a junction to a small unmarked road. By unmarked, I mean the whole length of the road didn't have any white paint to mark the centre or sides...

If I remember correctly it points the way to Senaling and I've been told by the attendent at the Raja Melewar palace replica and you could get to Seri Menanti from there. So I took the road... After sometime it starts weaving down some area which looked like it is earmarked to be a plantation before entering some rural settlements. That's when I saw this house, originally owned by the hereditary rulers of the province of Johol but now preserved as a local heritage site...

A few kilometres down the road, I saw this view which I thought was rather quaint!

Why, I even walked a distance out of the car just to snap this picture of the mosque...

Soon enough, we reached the royal town of Seri Menanti... Ah. To be here again after a lapse of 5 years or so. To think that I forgot to include it in my itenary of Negeri Sembilan travels now preserved in video clips peppered in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU . Perhaps this unexpected trip to the state was meant to be so I could cover certain prominent locations which I've forgot? Then again, the initial travel under the "Journey to Negeri Sembilan" series was originally made to cover locations which I've never been to at my whole life. That's why I didn't include Seri Menanti because I've been here a few times. To be continued... Cheers! :]