Tuesday, December 16, 2008

11th December 2008, the day I got hitched (again!)

Here is a picture of me signing a certain important document. For information, I just got hitched (as in married) again! (this is my second time)...

Eleven days ago, I wrote an article here titled What's on December 11th? . Well, that's what happened on that date... I got hitched. That aside from the fact that the movie "The day the earth stood still" was premiered at Malaysian cinemas.

By the way, I watched the movie with my dear wife last night. And for information the pictures in the article A family outing to Morib... made earlier tonight was taken just half an hour before the wedding. My family then were on the way from Kuala Lumpur to the bride's place at Tanjung Sepat some 100 km away.

We were scheduled to be at the village mosque in Tanjung Sepat for the occasion after the Zuhur prayers which should be around 1.30 pm but found ourself in front of Morib, 17 km away from the mosque with about 45 minutes to spare. Since we have the time and many of us have never been to Morib while the rest last went there decades ago, why not take a breather there.

So that should tie up the latest 3 articles here together. Good night everyone. Cheers! :]

A family outing to Morib...

Good day everyone. Today, unlike in past articles where I often show pictures of places I went to alone, I feel like sharing some pictures on an outing with my family... my extended family that is which includes some uncles, aunties and cousins . Come! :]

Seen here are a few members of my family facing the beach at Morib some 10km south of the town of Banting in Selangor...

At the same time, these other family members were frequenting a stall nearby...

They wanted to have sotong bakar or roasted squids...

So while some enjoyed the view towards the sea, others waited for the squids to be properly roasted...

Although it was low tide then, it was still a pretty sight for us...

The low tide made it walkable for more than 500 metres into the sea!

Many of my family have never been to Morib ever. The one's who have been here last made it something like more then 40 years ago! At least that's what my mum said...

She said the last time she was here was in 1963. I was not even born yet then! My dad interjected that they actually went there when both we're still studying at teacher's college. Then that must have been before 1975 or so. Either way, it's decades since they last stepped anywhere near this shore.

I'm sure this lot including my pretty cousin in front have never been to Morib before...

That's one cousin looking at the information board on the beach as my dad walks by...

Although Morib is not as famous as say Port Dickson in Negeri Sembilan and they say the beach here is not so clean for swimming, it is still an interesting place for family outings...

Ah... time to enjoy our sotong bakar with some drinks...

I must say, everyone enjoyed this brief outing...

A last look at Morib. So some of you maybe wondering why did my family came here all wearing the traditional Malay clothes? Hehe... I'll tell you in the next posting. Cheers! :]