Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baby Al-Rasyid's own little adventure...

Here is a picture of my baby Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid's very own Malaysian international passport made last month when he was barely 38 days old. With this passport Al-Rasyid then entered Singapura (I prefer this rather than the Anglicised word Singapore) along with me and wife in a road trip which covered a number of places around the state of Johor. As it turned out, by the time we returned home, we have clocked a total distance of 1,820 km. A new series of stories regarding the adventure have already been started in the Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU . A supporting one will follow suit in this blogspot soon. With that I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year 2010! Cheers... :]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Siti Fatimah, the pious one

Pix from the Net...

Peace be upon you all. It's been a while since I've made any voluntary translation for the website . The last one was in the article Siti Fatimah and her family posted almost 2 months ago. It happened that the original material is part of a series on Ahlul Bait, the family of Rasulullah which is yet to be concluded. So today I felt like continouing the effort and here is the result.

Getting to know the Ahlul-Bait of Rasulullah SAW:
Siti Fatimah, the pious one

By Ustaz Syed Hasan Alatas

Translation by Radzi Sapiee

BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM. In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful.
FATIMAH AZZAHRA, the Prophet’s beloved daughter followed the footsteps of her father in the way she led her life especially in abstinence and piety. That is why she is also called "Al-Batul" (the very pious person).

Her daily grind in managing her household while carrying out responsibilities towards husband and children, milling wheat with her own hands until it is full of blisters, helping the poor and those in need, assisting in battles nursing the wounded including her own father and many other functions, all that never stopped her from carrying out the prescribed worship especially at night. Said her son Saidina Hassan:

"Every night I see my mother praying especially on Friday night, I heard her always supplicating first for every Muslim men and women and this made me ask:

‘Why do you never supplicate for your own self the way you supplicate for others?’

My mother just answered:" ‘We have to supplicate for our neighbours first, then only for our own family!’ "

Hasan al-Basri once said: "In this community there is no woman with such piety to rival Siti Fatimah Azzahra. She just went on praying until her legs swell.

"What is done by Siti Fatimah is exactly the same done by her father Muhammad Rasulullah SAW and he love others more than he love himself."

Fatimah Azzahra grew up and was raised under the patronage of her father the Prophet and guided by her own husband Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib KWH, a foremost Islamic fighter. She saw with her own eyes the hardship and struggles her father had to go through in defending and spreading the teachings of Islam. She and her own family experienced first-hand the sufferings of her father and husband in many battles until they finally gained victory.