Monday, January 25, 2010

The 444th step... forward on and march!

A picture of me next to a certain old tomb in Perak. An abridged version of this picture was used alongside the writer's profile in my 4th book "Rumah Azan". Look at the article A collaboration of old collegemates - the book "Rumah Azan".

Ladies and gentlemen... as it turned out the article The Prophet's grandsons, Hassan and Hussein! made just now happened to be the 443rd in this blogspot. That set me thinking, why not make it a total of 444 before truly calling it a day? It also happened that my latest book (look at the recent article My 5th book is out! Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and the Malay Sultanates...) has 444 numbered pages. As it turned out the 444th page contained only my profile making it apt to fill this article, the 444th in this blogspot. Here it is, good night! :]

About The Translator

Radzi Sapiee's full name is Mohd. Fahrulradzi bin Mohamad Sapiee. Born on 26th November 1970 during the night of 27th Ramadhan, he has a Bsc. in Mathematics from the University College of London. He served as a journalist in the major Malaysian English daily The New Straits Times. He soon left to become a full-time independent writer, producing a Malay novel trilogy called "Berpetualang ke Aceh" talking about the meaning of being a Malay, the true legitimate function of royalty and how the Ahlul Bait, descendants of Rasulullah SAW were very instrumental in bringing true Islam to the Malay world and beyond.

Radzi's fascination with these subjects might be due to the fact that he comes from the Laksamana Raja Mahkota family, the Perak nobles who actually have Acehnese, Buginese and Perak-Melaka royal blood. He has also written a hard-cover coffee-table book called "Rumah Azan" which features mosques and related histories.

The Prophet's grandsons, Hassan and Hussein!

More than a month ago, I made a promise to myself. Once I've finished a series called "Pengembaraan Al-Rasyid ke selatan" in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU based on my travels with the wife and baby to the south end of last year, I will immediately do another voluntary translation for the website It happened that I have been translating the website's series on Ahlul Bait, Prophet Muhammad SAW's family and next to come is its last one. Earlier today I've completed the last intended piece for "Pengembaraan Al-Rasyid...". Thus let me offer here the last translated piece on Ahlul Bait...


Getting to know the Ahlul-Bait of Rasulullah SAW:

Hassan and Hussein

Translated by Radzi Sapiee

Prof. Dr. HAMKA, former head of the Indonesia Ulama’ Council is a big name in Islamic scholarship. He is also an authority of the Muhammadiyah organisation and is well-known in Islamic nations. This preacher and writer has authored no less than 113 books and given many lectures on TV and radio in Indonesia, Malaysia and other nations. Having written a translation of the holy Quran, he highly regarded the Ahlul Bait, family of Rasulullah SAW.

In a foreword to H.M.H. Al Hamid Al Husaini’s book titled “Al-Husain bin Ali Pahlawan Besar, dan Kehidupan Islam pada Zamannya” (Al-Hussain bin Ali the major warrior and life of Muslims in his era). Prof. Dr. Hamka started by quoting a gem from the venerable al Imam Asy Syafi'i, founder of the Syafi’i school of thought.

“If I am accused of being a Syiah just because of my love for the family of Muhammad, then witness o all mankind and djinns that I am indeed an adherent of the Syiah.”(Al Imam Asy Syafi'i r.a)

It is in this stern tone that Al Imam Asy Syafi'i asserted his position 13 centuries ago. Saying this in a set of poetic verses, it is clear that he loved the family of
Muhammad SAW, his children, grandchildren and all.

While it is clear the Prophet has no sons since everyone of them died very young, being human he still wanted male descendants. When his last male offspring, Ibrahim was born from his marriage to Mariah Al-Qubthiah, he was deeply pleased as he thought this would be the one to continue his linegae although at the time the prophet was more than 60 year old!

Still God’s knowledge is higher than that of human. Ibrahim who was hoped to continue his bloodline died while still suckling. This brought huge sadness to the Prophet SAW to the extent tears dropped down his eyes. Came this famous words from him: “A sad heart, tears welling down, but still this mouth will not say anything that does not please our God.”
As he became older, the chance to have another son dropped. But he still has his daughters: 1.Zainab. 2.Ruqayyah. 3.Ummu Kultsum and 4.Fatimah.

Zainab is married to Ibnul 'Aash, Ruqaiyyah and Umu Kultsum to Uthman bin 'Affan one after another as Ruqayyah died young. Thus the Prophet SAW married Uthman to Ummu Kulthum and that is why Uthman became known as "Dzin Nuraini" (he who has two lights).

On the other hand Fatimah is married to Ali bin Abi Thalib. Their marriage is considered ideal by the Arab community as Prophet Muhammad SAW is the son of Abdullah while Abdullah a son of Abdul Muthalib. 'Ali who became husband to his daughter Fatimah is a son of Abi Thalib and Abi Thalib a son of Abdul Muthalib. Thus Abi Thalib father of 'Ali is brother to Abdullah, father of the Prophet SAW.

That is why althouth the Prophet has no sons, he has high hope that Fatimah Azzahra who married 'Ali would give the male descendants he so desired. During the 3rd year of Hijriah was born their first son Hassan. A year later the second son, Hussein followed suit.

The Prophet SAW loved these two grandsons. Abu Ahmad Al-Askari
said: “During the time of jahiliyah (the Arab darkness era) the two names were never known (never ever used before).”. Al-Bukhari, the famour transmitter of Hadiths or the Prophet’s traditions related from Abdullah bin 'Umar that Rasulullah SAW once said: “Both of them (Hassan dan Hussein) are my blooming in this world.”

In another Hadith transmitted by At Tirmizi from Usman bin Zaid, the Prophet was recorded as saying: “Both are my sons and sons from my daughter. O Allah! I love both of them and I also love whoever who loves them both.”

According to Al Bukhari who received this from Abi Bukrah, the latter had said: “I once saw the Prophet SAW standing on the pulpit while Hassan was sitting watching the people, then looking at the Prophet SAW for a moment. The Prophet then said: ‘Verily this son of mine is a Sayyid ( a lord). And my Allah makes this son the pacifier of two (fighting) Muslim groups.”

With these two sayings, the Prophet practically proclaimed to all his people that the sons of 'Ali bin Abi Thalib and Fatimah are also his sons! Or his grandsons too. Such is the foreword of Prof.Dr.HAMKA regarding the Ahlul Bait.

Ayer Hitam, the 'centre' of Johor

And now the final piece on the recent running travelling to the south series. Continued from the article My old alma mater, Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor (Johor Science Secondary School) .

At one eastern end of the district of Batu Pahat bordering the Kluang district lies the small town of Ayer Hitam, sometimes spelt as Air Hitam...

Geographically it can't beat the town of Kluang's position at the centre of the state of Johor. But in terms of road network you could say it is the state's 'actual centre' lying on the main national trunk road between Muar to the north and Johor Bahru to the south.

Thus while the town itself might be small, it is bustling with much activities.

It's position at the 'centre' of Johor means people tend to stop here for a brief rest and that led to some businesses mushrooming taking advantage of the situation...

For example pottery is a main trade in Ayer Hitam. So also fresh vegetables and some household goods. Enough.

Paragliding at Bukit (hill of) Jugra

Let's sidetrack from the travelling to the south stories for a while...

Earlier during the day I brought the wife and baby to Jugra where lies a rather formidable hill...

Me and wife have been here many times but this is the first time I suddenly felt like bringing her up to a certain part of the hill...

This is the first time she went up here despite growing up in a village just 20 km or so away. In fact this is the first time I myself went up after 10 years or so!

The last time I came up was with my previous wife on my big bike. I think it was in the year 2000 or was it before?

Anyway there have been some changes since then. For one, I don't remember this place having an observation platform...

The view is however still as superb...

One could see the river Langat opening up to the sea with the island of Pulau Carrey to the right...

It looks like Bukit or hill of Jugra is the only highland for miles and miles around.

This is the word Jugra and tower which could be clearly seen from down, in fact from anywhere not blocked by the hilltop...

Bukit Jugra has a nice steep clearing making it ideal for a certain sports.

Just slightly under the tower lies the platform for the said sports...

I think you can already guess what sports it is...

You see, I arrived as some avid fans were waiting for the right kind of wind to blow. And it soon came and they started out laying their special parachutes for the jump, and the glide...

There. That's one in the air. Yeeehaaaa!!!

My old alma mater, Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor (Johor Science Secondary School)

Continued from Kluang railway coffee .

Next we went to my old alma mater, Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor, the Johor Science Secondary School. It is a reputable full-boarding school located in Kluang...

OK. Forgive me for the poor quality of the first two pictures. I took it from inside my car while the windscreen has been covered from dirt from the day's previous trip to the Linggiu Dam. Look again at the article Linggiu, the site of an ancient Malay kingdom now taken over by Singapore? .

The following pictures were taken from outside the car. Thus it is clear. This is the assembly hall where we used to converge every Sunday morning. During my time here (1983-1986) Sunday is a working day in Johor. The weekends were Fridays and Saturdays.

In front of the hall lies this block. I remember the girls used to have their cooking classes at this end of the ground floor...

Here's the main field where we used to play sports.

And here's a new block being built on top of what used to be a small utility field.

I used to reside at the block behind, the boys dormitory...

Next to it lies the dining hall followed by the girls dorm.

Right in front of the dining hall is this study block. Its walls used to be the place where pictures were projected for the once-a-week movie show on weekends...

The walkway with the eleveted roof right-centre seen here marks the place where the main entrance used to be 20 years ago...

In those days, the school area was less than half the current size. This surau (small praying hall) was a later addition built over an extended area which used to lie outside the school perimeters.

Here's a view of the school from outside the surau. For a more comprehensive recollection on the school, read the Malay article Memori lama pahit getir SMSJ, Kluang, Johor... made in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH 2 years ago. Enough for the night...

Kluang railway coffee

Continued from Gunung (Mount) Lambak and the road to Kluang... .

Another main landmark of Kluang is the railway station...

It might not be that big but it still is a main embarkation point...

It is also known for its cafeteria which serves one of the best coffees around, maybe in the whole of Malaysia. Unfortunately I came on Thursday when it is closed!

And it was not time for arrival or departure. So there's nothing much to look at except the tracks...

Luckily I was told there's another place in town which serves the same coffee...

Seems like all the life at the station have moved here...

Look. It even has the same-looking classical facade as at the station. For this place serves the exact same coffee and I can vouch that it is indeed tasty! :]

Gunung (Mount) Lambak and the road to Kluang...

Continued from Linggiu, the site of an ancient Malay kingdom now taken over by Singapore? .

Once done at Linggiu dam it's time to enter the district of Kluang...

While the district itself is already close to Bandar Tenggara and Linggiu, the town of Kluang is still a distance away. To gauge the distance one could refer to a main landmark of the town, the 1,600-feet-plus-high Gunung (mount) Lambak which stood at its fringes seen in the background...

To my right, that is towards the east one could see the twice as high Gunung Belumut which stood near the borders of the districts of Kota Tinggi and Mersing.

As one gets nearer to town, Gunung Lambak looks more prominent...

Why, even the signboard mentions the mountain alongside the town of Kluang, never mind that Gunung Lambak might not be that tall to some...

For it is still an imposing sight around...

We soon approached the foothills of Gunung Lambak...

About 2 to 3 kilometres later one could see the main junction to reach the mountain...

Here's Gunung Lambak from the town of Kluang. For me, it is always in memory as the first mountain I've ever climbed up to the top, when I was studying in Form One and entering the age of 13 some 27 years ago!