Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A visit to the high waterfalls at Lata Kinjang

Something from my March 2010 picture files...

During the March school holidays, me and wife spontaneously decided to take our kids to the Lata Kinjang waterfalls...

At first we just wanted to take a drive towards Kuala Kubu Baru 40 km from our house. On the way we felt like going further to Tanjung Malim, just past the Perak-Selangor border. Upon arriving there we felt like hey... why not go on to Lata Kinjang were lies a very high series of waterfall? Although the place is 150 km away from our house the drive felt like a breeze and we practically arrived there in no time. Here's a number of Orang Asli (indigenous people) house which could seen towards the waterfalls.

The wife and kids posing at the lowest waterfall...

Oh, now I remember. That day, 13th March was when our baby Muhammad Al-Rasyid became 5-months old!

There, baby Al-Rasyid loves this place...

Just look at the other people enjoying it too...

As for me, it is customary to try the limits...

So I decided to climb up further. Thank God for the stairs...

Here's the second level of waterfalls...

I've circled the position of the first level relative from here...

Still there are upper reaches to explore...

So time to climb further on.

The third level in view...

One could see a suspension bridge going across higher...

Actually the bridge has been closed to public. But hey, I can't help exploring OK...

From the bridge one could see visitors enjoying the waters at what seemed to be the fourth level. Anyway, it is a level higher than the place I've mentioned as the third...

A look towards the lower levels. See the people having picnic? That is at the place I've marked as third level. Lower down towards the centre of the picture is the second. It's almost impossible to see the first level with the naked eye...

Yet Lata Kinjang still have higher waterfalls!

Too bad, the suspension bridge is the last and highest place with a clear path. If you want to go higher you have to do some serious jungle trekking. That's all...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh articles in full

Since the series "Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh" have been succesfully completed, it makes good sense to do a compilation of the links. Here I'd like to also add links to the stories running alongside in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU (which features video clips of this trip). Do enjoy it OK... :]

1. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Dari Perak bertukar ke Perlak...

2. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : A sudden unexpected trip...

3. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Ke kompleks anak yatim Nurin di Lhoong

4. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : A feeling of old Kedah... or rather, old Malay country before Western colonialists spoiled everything?

5. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Makam Syiah Kuala... dan makam Maharajalela Abdul Rahim...

6. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : Enter the tomb of Syiah Kuala...

7. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Pemandangan kapal apung...

8. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : The ship that got swept inland by the Tsunami of 2004

9. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Gunongan dan beberapa tempat bersejarah di Banda Aceh

10. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : The historical sites at Banda Aceh

11. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Rombongan ke Perlak...

12. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Majlis Maulud di Masjid Nurun Niswah, Perlak

13. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Makam Sultan Saiyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah...

14. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : Maulidur Rasul, the Ahlul Bait Sultan and a legacy from old Perlak

15. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Kuala Idi dan makam raja daerah sini...

16. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : The kings of Idi

17. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Makam Sultan Malikus Saleh!

18. Maulidur Rasul di Aceh : Kembali ke Banda Aceh, singgah ke Masjid Raya Baiturrahman

19. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : Back to Banda Aceh

Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh : Back to Banda Aceh

Saturday evening was a relaxing time as we waited for the convoy to mack the move back to Banda Aceh. Here's a view from inside our hotel in Idi, the dome of a nearby mosque in view...

Our baby Muhammad Al-Rasyid sprawling on the couch...

When he woke up we took him downstairs. Here's a pix of baby with mummy in front of a frame containing an artist's impression of the first four Caliphs of Islam, the best companions and deputies of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Here's a pix in front of our hotel.

We left Idi after Maghrib, that is around 7:30 pm or so. As our route to Banda Aceh passed-by Geudong, Lhokseumawe were lies the tomb of the pious king Sultan Malikus Saleh (deceased 1297 AD or so), we paid a visit. Here's our friends Haji Muzaffar and Puan Suzana in front of the tomb.

Later we stopped at Matang to enjoy its famous satay. If I remember correctly it was around 1 am then...

A distance after the town Bireuen we stopped and visited Makam Syahid Lapan, the tomb of the 8 martyrs who died under Dutch fire early 20th century.

Here's the last picture I took in this trip, when we stopped for breakfast at a place on the foot of Mount Seulawah. This place is more than 40 km away from Banda Aceh. But that is already near considering the fact that we started in Idi some 340 km further away.

That very afternoon we took the flight back to Malaysia. So this is the end of the "Celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Aceh" series. Cheers! :]