Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lumut's mangrove park

A little distance outside the town of Lumut lies a mangrove swamp park...

Inside are walkways for visitors to walk around and enjoy the sight...

Some information about the park.

As the walkways fork up one leads to the banks of a river...

Just for perspective, the town of Lumut is situated to the right of the foot of the highest hill seen in the background...

Now, time to head back towards the entrance but using a different path.

Ah. One of the 'citizens' of this park...

On this path lies a tower...

We went up. Here's a look back...

There's a suspension bridge hanging down the tower.

A walk down...

The walk towards the entrance which lies besides the exit continues...

There, the exit ahead. Enough...

Going around Lumut

Saturday 29th May 2010, after spending the night at a hotel we went around the town of Lumut.

For those left out, Lumut is a coastal town in Perak which is a favourite among tourists...

At the fringe of the town closer to the coast lies a major Malaysian naval base.

Off-limits to civilians except on certain occasions, I stopped about 100 metres from the entrance and this is the view I get towards the base.

Alongside is the wide river Dinding...

From the naval base, the town of Lumut lies upriver towards the east.

Back to town...

Empty roads but with many cars parked alongside are a normal sight on weekends...

Why is that? First a pose from the wife and baby...

They were then facing the terminal for jetty.

The jetty is part of a water-front park covering among others a recreational park...

It is the main gateway to get ferries to the tourism island of Pulau Pangkor.

Actually one could get a good view of the naval base from the terminal.

Meanwhile tourists are flocking to get the ferries to Pulau Pangkor. They are the ones who park the many cars alongside the roads...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Perak river from Kayan...

After enjoying the views of the Bernam river from a number of points, I went to a place called Kayan...

Here one could have a clear look at some of the widest parts of the mightier Perak river...

A look upriver. The closest bridge, the only one within a 20 km radius or so is about 31 km upriver. In case you are wondering how can the closest bridge be within a 20 km radius but 31 km away, well within a straight line to all directions there's another bridge 20 km away, that is near Kampung Gajah. But follow the curves and turns of the Perak river and you must travel 31 km to get to the closest bridge which is about 18 km away on a straight line...

A look straight on ahead to the opposite side. A check using Google Earth shows the Perak river here is almost 2 km wide. Mind you, there are places slightly further downriver where the river spreads 500 metres wider!

A look downriver. And if you watch closely you could see the town of Bagan Datoh at the furthest banks almost 7 km ahead. You can make comparisons with the pictures shown in the article The Perak river mouth at Bagan Datoh made more than a year ago.

River Bernam from Kampung Kota

Four days ago I have shown views of the river Bernam from the jetty at Sabak Bernam. Now let us have a look at the same river from another jetty...

Recognise the pink-coloured jetty on the other side? That's the one showed in the article The river Bernam from Sabak Bernam.

For the record it is situated exactly opposite this one at Kampung Kota.

From Kampung Kota you could also have a good look at the recreational complex which forms part of Sabak Bernam.

A look to my right. That's the wife holding the baby while taking call from a friend...