Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Bandar Tasik Puteri from on top a hill

From Batu Arang we move to the place I live at, the residential area called Bandar Tasik Puteri in Rawang, Selangor.

I have lived here for almost 2 years now but yesterday, for the first time ever I noticed this summit of a hill.

From on top I could get a vantage view of things. A look towards the west. My house should be somewhere on the background to the right.

A look towards the south. You can go down the summit from here...

A look towards the east. Some of the houses in Bandar Tasik Puteri.

A 45 degree turn anti-clockwise...

Another 45 degree turn anti-clockwise and you see the part where I climbed the hillside up to the summit. You see it was while going around the Bazar Ramadhan yesterday, the afternoon food fair specially erected for the Muslim holy fasting month that I noticed this summit.

And finally a look towards the north-west where you can see the mosque. For all you dear readers I wish happy Aidil Fitri or Eid celebration. :]

Monday, September 06, 2010

The lakes at Batu Arang

Just an excursion from the Aceh and Muar stories. Then again there's no more Aceh and Muar stories to tell, at least at this juncture...

One fine day I took the wife and baby out on a drive at Batu Arang, Selangor and took a new route (new for us at least) and saw these lakes.

We were very suprised not to have seen this area earlier is it is just 3-4 km or so from our home.

That's the wife and baby posing near the lakes.

We also discovered how the routes to the lakes are connected to the chimney which is a major landmark for Batu Arang. For the record Batu Arang means "coal stone" and this chimney was part of a complex to process coal which used to be mined here.

In front of the chimney lies this curious looking building, perhaps part of the complex too...

Here's the roundabout lying just a short distance from the chimney. It is also a landmark which defines the small town of Batu Arang. Note that this is the 565th article in this blogspot, made on the night of 27 Ramadhan, my 41st birthday according to the Islamic Hijriah calendar. Good night! :]