Monday, April 25, 2011

The Kelantan river near the royal jetty at Kota Bahru

Continued from Rushing through Kota Bahru.

OK. The meet up point is at a hotel near the Tambatan Di Raja (royal jetty) seen being rebuilt.

From around here you could get superb views of the river Kelantan. It is interesting to note the presence of boathouses easily accesible from the banks.

So we decided to check one out.

A view across.

A view downriver.

A view upriver...

Rushing through Kota Bahru

Continued from Al-Rasyid's first visit to Masjid (Mosque of) Kampung Laut.

From Masjid Kampung Laut we rushed to Kota Bahru.

You see a friend I just came to know recently through the Internet wanted to see us and he has been waiting since the previous day for us to arrive in Kota Bahru.

He has plans to bring me (not us as he said the condition then was troublesome, not safe for my wife and baby) to certain parts of Pattani in southern Thailand and it might take a few days.

So I was not sure if after that I would have time to explore Kota Bahru.

Thus these pictures were taken as I drove in town looking for the location to meet up.

For the record this is the 747th posting in the blogspot, an interesting number which reminds me of my favourite airplane when I was small, the Jumbo Jet, Boeing 747... :]

Al-Rasyid's first visit to Masjid (Mosque of) Kampung Laut

Continuing the storytelling from the article A quick look at the small town of Jeli.

From Jeli we went to Tanah Merah to get to the capital of Kelantan, Kota Bahru. At the outskirts of the capital lies this old mosque known as Masjid Kampung Laut.

I have been here many times and have featured it in a number of articles in my blogspots. In fact I have featured it in one of my books. Look at the article A collaboration of old collegemates - the book "Rumah Azan". But this visit is special as it is my baby son Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid's first time...

We stopped at the mosque after fetching his brother Haziq and sister Erin from their uncle's place not so far around.

I needed to stop and do my prayers.

Meanwhile the kids were playing outside.

Al-Rasyid was then a year and two months old.

In our previous visit middle of 2009 Al-Rasyid was still inside his mummy's tummy.

He was then eight months inside. Perhaps there's a part of him which could remember that previous visit... :]