Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lake Chini from the resort

OK. Moving on to the 11th day of the trip to the East Coast made 7 months ago.

Next on the list is the resort at Tasik or Lake Chini, the famous legendary lake in Pahang.

Compared to hut type camps and such I understand this is the only proper resort around.

Situated right besides a part of the lake it offers interesting perspectives.

By the way the name is Lake Chini Resort.

Here's the views from the jetty. So let me just show it without further comments ya...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Muar river near Pantai Layang

Next I went to an upriver part called Pantai Layang. Going around the interior I found a part close to the Muar river.

I am not sure if this is still part of Pantai Layang or another area. Here's a look downriver.

A look across. A check with Google Earth shows this faces a place called Kampung Temiang, my mum's native village.

A look upriver. Enough...

Muar river from the second bridge

The following day I felt like taking pictures of the Muar river from Muar town's second bridge. Here's a look downriver. The town is obscured in the background.

This bridge follows a similar design as that of Penang bridge... at its middle part that is.

A look upriver.

For a better look I have to cross to the other side.

Ah. Taking pictures from on top the divider is already enough it seems...

Kesang river from the rest area off the old trunk road

From Melaka we took the old trunk road to enter the state of Johor. Upon crossing the border one could see a giant replica of a trishaw.

It lies inside a rest area.

At one part lies this pavillion.

The pavillion oversees the Kesang river. A look upriver.

A look across and that's the state of Melaka seen from Johor. For the record the Kesang river is the natural border between the two states...

A look downriver.

Early morning at the Stadthuys

Continued from Melaka river from a part of Bandar Hilir.

Next we stopped at this part of Bandar Hilir.

Called the Stadthuys it is famous for its red-coloured buildings built during the Dutch occupation of Melaka almost 400 years ago.

Then there's this beautiful fountain.

Let's look at the place from different angles.

This place is a popular convergence point for the colourful Melaka beca or trishaws. But it was only 7 o'clock in the morning so there's only this one. For the record this is the 838th posting in this blogspot.

Melaka river from a part of Bandar Hilir

Peace be upon you all. The article Rasyid's first visit to Makam Chondong made 2 days ago marks the end of storytelling for the 10th day of the East Coast trip made 7 months ago. So its time for excursions starting with this.

OK. Nineteen days ago I went to Muar and stopped by at the city of Melaka. At one part of the area called Bandar Hilir I decided to snap pictures of the Melaka river. Here's a look upriver.

A look across. The riverside is a pleasant place to relax at.

A look downriver. The river mouth is not so far away from here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rasyid's first visit to Makam Chondong

Continued from Pekan at dusk.

Taking a small road not far from the palace we arrived at this place.

Welcome to Makam Chondong, a royal burial ground where lies a number of Pahang royalties from 400 years ago.

For information the said royalties are descended from the Sultans or kings of Melaka while the current royalties which came from a later dynasty are descended from the Bendaharas of Melaka, equivalent to the Prime Minister.

This is the first time I brought the wife and baby Al-Rasyid here, in fact this is the first time they've ever stepped foot anywhere near Pekan. It seems Rasyid was enjoying himself despite the fact that it was very dark then, a fact concealed by pictures which were lighted by first the car's headlight, then the camera's flashlight.

Pekan at dusk

After enjoying the views of Pahang river at Tanjung Agas we stopped by at a nearby mosque before heading back to Pekan town.

By then it was already dusk. So here's a quick look around town.

We went on to a fringe part where lies a certain landmark.

There. The gates to the palace of the current Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah. Next is a visit to a place of much significance... a place where rest of a number of the state's much much older royalties...