Thursday, September 29, 2011

Klang train station

Next we went to a shopping centre before entering the town of Klang. There we visited two historical places before making a stop here, the town's railway station.

As it turns out the station also has some historical value.

Some information.

It is now used for commuter trains travelling to an fro the port of Klang and the city of Kuala Lumpur with its fringes.

Outside at one part could be seen an old carriage.

Nice. It has been turned into a flower shop. :]

Langat river from a point before it splits downriver

Continued from The place where the Langat river splits towards two estuaries.

As I turned back to get out of the peninsular then only I noticed this part of the river.

It is situated at the eastern or rather, south-east part of the peninsular.

A look downriver. Follow the stream and it will reach the end of the peninsular where the Langat river splits towards two estuaries.

A look across.

A look downriver and you could some ships moored.

The place where the Langat river splits towards two estuaries

I moved on to the end of the said peninsular where the Langat river starts to split into two directions downriver. What you see ahead here is actually the southern split while the northern one is obscured by the growth.

Turning slightly anti-clockwise a hill came into sight.

I recognise it. It is the Jugra hill and the orange coloured thing seen in the center is the call to prayer tower of the Alaeddin mosque.

A look upriver. Again the growth restrict view...

So I walked slightly upriver. Here's a look downriver from a vantage spot.

A look across.

And a better look upriver.

Langat river at a northern part of Carey island

Next we went north and entered into some sort of peninsular with its western side facing an island called Carey island. This place is located on a downriver part of Langat river and here'a view.

Ahead is part of Carey island, a rather large island.

A look upriver.

Langat river from Sungai Buaya

Moving on to a little trip made around the districts of Kuala Langat and Klang last weekend.

After spending the night at a sister-in-laws place in Jenjarom I took the wife and baby to the Sungai Buaya road until its very end just to see the river Langat fron around here.

A look to the downriver.

A look across.

A look upriver.

A look at Rawang town from the TM office

A week ago I went to the TM (Telekom Malaysia) office at Rawang town.

Situated at one of the highest parts around here one could catch nice views of the surrounding.

Turning anti-clockwise...

Yesterday I went to the office again and decided to check the views from the 4th floor.

Ah. My wife is right. The view is indeed superb.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Muar river besides the Bukit Kepong old police station

Continued from The old police station of Bukit Kepong.

Besides the police station I could see a jetty.

As it is the police station cum museum is situated besides the river. The jetty should offer nice views.

A look upriver and you could see the only bridge crossing the Muar river within a radius of 17 km.

A look across.

A look downriver. The only bridge in that direction is near Gresik, 20 km away on a straight line. Follow the curves and bends of the river and the distance is multiplied to 50 km.

The old police station of Bukit Kepong

Next we went to Labis before heading for Bukit Kepong in the district of Muar where lies this old police station.

For reason that would be told later the station has been turned into a museum. Among the displays on the lawn is this boat.

Then there is this armoured car.

And another along with a cut-out of an older police station which used to lie here.

You see the area has a certain historical significance. I won't repeat what has been said here so just read it yourself.

Suffice to say the concrete station you see now was built to replace the wooden one which got burned after an attack. And because of the historical value the newer station is then turned into a museum.

Going inside.

While the station/museum should already be closed as we arrived well after 5 pm the policeman in charge was kind enough to let visitors come in.

This place is practically a fortress.

There is also an exhibition room. Let's have a quick look. For the record this is the 868th article in this blogspot.