Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The scenic rivers at Hulu Riau

Back to the southern trip of November 10-18.

Wednesday 14th November 2011, we went to an inland part of Pulau (island of Bentan) where lies this jetty.

The area and its surrounding is generally called Hulu Riau.

Hulu means upriver and this is the upriver part of the main river called Riau, a name which is also used to refer to the whole archipelago of islands within 100 km or so of the island of Bentan.

The Riau river has many tributaries and this is one of them.

In general the tributaries are short and one such as this practically looks like a bay, albeit an elongated one if viewed from high up.

The scenic feel here reminds me of a part of Brunei river near a place called Luba. Do have a look at the old article The beauty of Luba.

A look to the right which is downriver.

A look across.

A look to the left or upriver.