Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rompin river at the eastern main road bridge

Continued from The Rompin river at the fisheries complex.

Going further north we came across the bridge over the Rompin river.

The rain was getting heavy but after parking the car I ignored it to get a good look at the surrounding.

A view upriver.

Going to the other side...

A view downriver.

The Rompin river at the fisheries complex

From Endau we left the state of Johor and entered the state of Pahang where lies the town of Rompin. There I felt compelled to look for the mouth of the river Rompin.

The local geography plus the rain however limited my option. The closest I could get to the estuary was by going to the fisheries complex jetty. Here's a look downriver. The estuary should be 200-300 metres behind the green seen to the right.

A look across. The Rompin river here looked wider than the Endau river!

A look upriver. The river seemed to turn to the north.

River Endau from the town bridge

Continued from River Endau just before town.

Next we took the bridge across the Endau river.

Well, actually I parked the car just before the bridge.

Afraid that I might disturb traffic if the car was stopped on the bridge, I felt it is better to walk and savour the view while taking pictures.

I must say the view felt outstanding.

A look upstream. The river Endau is indeed wide...

Time to go to the other side of the bridge.

That's the river estuary.

A look at some of the boats around. For the record this is the 919th article in this blogspot.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

River Endau just before town

The journey then brought us to another riverside town.

The town is called Endau and thus is the river. A look downstream and you can see a bridge.

A look across. The Endau river is rather wide.

A look upstream. This place is not so far from the estuary. That could explain the water's vastness...

The beach at Mersing's Kampung Makam

Continued from Mersing river from its town bridge.

Not long after crossing the bridge we saw a small road and decided to take it. As it turned out the road leads to the sea and a beach called Pantai Kampung Makam.

Pantai is the Malay word for beach.

Kampung means a village.

What is interesting is the name Makam.

For it means a tomb and there's the tomb of someone quite significant near this beach.

Mersing river from its town bridge

Continued from Going around Mersing town.

Next we stopped just before the bridge crossing the Mersing river.

Ignoring the drizzle I went on to catch some perspective.

A look upriver.

Then a look downriver. The estuary should be less than 2 km from here. Look at Mersing river near its estuary.

Going around Mersing town

Continued from Mersing river near its estuary.

Next we went around the Mersing town.

For the record Mersing is the main east coast town of the state of Johor.

It's not big but it is a nice town.

Outsiders tend to know it as the gateway to Tioman island.

Mersing river near its estuary

Peace be upon you all. It's time to continue the December 10-18th southern trip storytelling. So come the final day and set of stories...

Sunday 18th December. After spending the night at a hotel in Mersing it's time to take in some scenery.

Entering the jetty to the resort island of Tioman I sought to have a got look at the Mersing river.

The jetty is situated near the estuary. Look to the right and you can see where the river flows into the South China sea.

A look across.

The look upriver was however blocked by boats.