Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mosque of Kuala Dulang, Jelebu

Closer to the town of Kuala Klawang lies this old mosque.

Called the Masjid (mosque of) Kuala Dulang, it is said to be the oldest mosque in the district of Jelebu.

For the record this is the 969th article in this blogspot.

Let's have a look inside without further comments ya...

Canon of Dato' Undang Abdullah

Besides the tomb lies this staircase.

It leads to a canon.

The canon belonged to a person known as Dato' Undang Abdullah.

He was a leader of the state of Sungai Ujong which contains the town of Seremban.

Family visit to the tomb of Moyang Salleh

Continued from Johan's qeqah ceremony.

The following day we decided to go to the town of Kuala Klawang. Just before town lies this tomb complex.

I have been here once or twice before but has never brought the family.

Welcome to the tomb of the person known as Moyang Salleh.

Leader of the state of Jelebu some 300 years ago, he was instrumental for making the confederation of states later known as Negeri Sembilan independent from the Johor empire.

Johan's qeqah ceremony

OK. I was going through my file of pictures to gather material for a certain function I'm due to conduct soon when I found out that there's a whole section of events and travelling done in April 2012 which I've forgotten to commit at any of my blogspots. So here goes one.

This is our baby Muhammad Alauddin Johan. He was born 17th February 2012 while this picture was taken 21st April.

We were then getting him ready for a ceremony...

It is the qeqah function, a celebration for newborns optional in Islam.

The function was held at the house of my sister-in-law in Jelai, Negeri Sembilan.

This is a function where womenfolk take centre stage by reciting verses praising the holy Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Then the baby was taken around for his hair or whatever little of it to be shaved or cut off bit by bit.

For a better look view the video below...