Thursday, July 26, 2012

The sacred cave called Goa Safawardi

From Suryalaya we went to a place called Pamijahan some 3 hours journey away.

The place is famous for the existence of the tomb of a major 17th century saint. At times people tend to come in droves like making pilgrimage. Thus locals (maybe even outsiders) take advantage by setting up businesses all along the way and even further.

You see, Pamijahan is set up on a hill side with a river or two plying through it.

Generally one has to climb to reach its main destinations, the tomb and one other special place...

But there are also two or three parts where one has to walk down following the contour of hill.

There. Here lies the turning to the said tomb, that of a saint named Abdul Muhyi better known as Sheikh Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan.

Still further on straight lies another object of curiosity which could be said of equal eminence.

And for this, one has to walk much much further up the hill.

Go on and on until the row of shops end.

After that the scenery opens up with plenty of farmland green until one arrives at this juncture...

Welcome to the place called Goa Safawardi.

It is a cave system which legends say has underground pathways which could reach Baghdad and Mecca thousand of miles north-east!

And it is said to be the place where a number of olden personalities including Sheikh Muhyi had meditated until they reached saintly status.

A look at the Suryalaya pesantren from its hill peak

From Bandung we moved on to the village of Suryalaya some distance south-eastern...

There lies a famous pesantren or traditional religious school and here we are looking at the tomb complex of its founder which lies on the peak of a hill.

As we climbed up there wide vistas of the surroundings started to open.

I'd say all the buildings seen around including the mosque lies within the pesantren.

Just a bit higher than the tomb complex lies the houses of some locals.

And here's a look at the mosque as we went down.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A look around Bandung city centre

On to the 9th day of my travel around the island of Jawa...

Wednesday 9th May 2012 we arrived at the city centre of Bandung after spending the night at a lodging house near its eastern main bus terminal.

We have heard so much about Bandung, about how so many Malaysians like to go here because of its resort city status.

But frankly, apart from its cool nice climate (the city is situated more than 2,000 feet above sea level) I don't think there's much to shout about.

I found the suburbs rather ugly, the city centre looks slightly bearable. In fact I'd say it looks similar to Golok in southern Thailand, slightly inferior to Hatyai.

Then again Bandung has one more similarity to Golok and Hatyai. It is a shopping haven for many and when I checked out its main shopping area called Pasar Baru I say I must agree.

For those who loves sceneries though Bandung city has not much to offer.

But don't count Bandung out yet. For it does have scenery havens but outside of town.

You can enjoy the tranquality of mountains from here. For apart from shopping Bandung is a centre for people to stay for days as they go an hour's drive or so to nice tea plantations or the likes of the mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.