Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another visit to the tomb of Sultan Mahmud ibni Sultan Muhammad Amanullah

Going further north about 1.2 km if I gauge correctly one could see this graveyard.

Prominent is a tomb building besides.

This is where the 16th Sultan of Perak, Sultan Mahmud was laid to rest.

As there is also another Perak Sultan by the same name, let me mention the tomb as belonging to Sultan Mahmud ibni (son of) Sultan Muhammad Amanullah. For my record this is the 1,031st article in this blogspot.

Perak river upstream from Teluk Memali

Just over a kilometer to the north from the tomb, the small road here gets very close to the Perak river.

With such a wide vista on offer, I had to stop to take pictures. A look upriver.

A look across.

And  a look downriver.

The cleared tomb of Sultan Abdul Malik Mansur

Continued from Looking again at the abandoned old mosque in Teluk Memali.

Whenever I went to the old abandoned mosque of Teluk Memali I would also try to visit a tomb nearby.

Welcome to the tomb of Sultan Abdul Malik Mansur.

He was the 19th Sultan of Perak and he set up his capital around here in the early 1800s.

I have been here many times but in this visit a had pleasant surprise.

You see, I remembered the tomb and the area around being surrounded by wild bushes and growth. This time it looked well-kept maybe because the land nearby was to be cultivated.

Looking again at the abandoned old mosque in Teluk Memali

Going closer to Kampung Gajah I then took another rural gravel road leading to this old mosque.

The location is at a place called Teluk Memali which is also besides the Perak river.

I understand there used to be a village around but it has been abandoned since 1997.

Teluk Memali is said to be flood-prone maybe because of some development upriver. So people moved to areas closer to the main road.

But once upon a time I understood the area was a major Malay settlement. But it has lost its function after the Perak river ceased to be a main way of transportation due to building of roads and existence of cars.

To tell you the truth this mosque is one my favourite place to visit whenever I'm nearby in Perak.

It has excuisite woodcarvings.

Too bad its not well looked-after.

I don't know how old is the mosque.

What I do know is the pulpit was built by a person named Megat Jaafar in the year 1339 Hijrah equivalent to 1920 AD.

Going to the tomb of Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain through a palm estate

Peace be upon you all. Time to tell stories on the 6th day of my solo big bike trip made end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan.

Thursday 16th August 2012. After spending the night at the mosque of Kampung Bahagia, a distance out of the town of Teluk Intan I went to visit the tomb of Keramat Kuala Bidor not so far away. Next I headed towards Kampung Gajah. Somewhere after Sungai Manik I took a small inland gravel road that leads to this gate. 

I wanted to visit a certain place and this is the best inland route to get there. The said place lies at the end of a private palm estate. As the gate was locked I had to park the bike and walk.

I had to walk for about 2 km before I was out of the palm estate reaching into some sort of orchard.

After that I could see the targetted place, the building in the middle of this pix. Now I have to walk through these bushes.

I had to climb up this makeshift fence too. This is a look behind. Mind you, I fell into a hole right after the climb. Thank God my arms reacted in reflex reaching to the sides, stopping me from going down further.

There it is...

The tomb of the 15th Sultan of Perak, Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnian who ruled in the middle of the 18th century AD.

For the record I've arrived here once with my wife and our son via a different route. Look at the old article The difficult land route to the tomb of Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain.

Oh. The area around is called Pulau (island of) Indera Sakti. However it is not an island. Then again perhaps it was centuries ago as it is located besides the meeting point of the Perak and Kinta rivers.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sepit river near its estuary

OK. This particular place is actually called Tanjung Batu which literarily means the stone cape. Looking at the surroundings the name most likely refers to the part with boulders seen on the right, a cape overlooking the estuary of the Sepit river.

Across lies a part of the Damai Laut Resort. That part is easier to access because of the existence the upmarket resort. Two years ago I've made an article called Views at Sungai Sepit where views from that side were shown.

It was from across that I caught sight of the parts at Tanjung Batu and promised myself that one day I would step my foot here.

For better view of the Sepit river one had to go around the boulders.

There. A look towards the Sepit estuary which also shows the mouth of the Dinding river in the background.

A look across.

And a look upriver.

Dinding river and its surroundings from across the Lumut naval base

Next I took another small village road, this time leading to the river Dinding right across the Lumut naval base.

A look upriver and you can see the hill called Bukit (hill of) Engku Busu.

Zoom in and you can see the resort town of Lumut at the foothill.

Looking across.

Zoom in for a better look of the naval base. Too bad it was a hazy day...

A look upriver and you can see the hills on the resort island of Pulau (island of) Pangkor. For the record the Dinding estuary lies just about 2 km in front.

Turn slightly to the right and you can see the place where the Sepit river flows into Dinding river.