Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baby Johan's first climb all the way upstairs...

Can't resist showing this...

Tuesday 16th October 2012, baby Johan was making his way up the staircase.

Since 2-3 weeks before he has been attempting to make climbs. But we stopped him just after two steps.

But not that night. You see, comes 17th October baby Johan will turn 8 months.

His brother Rasyid used to climb all the way up too at the same age... many many times but we allowed because by then he already knew how to sit.

Johan on the other hands knows how to stand with at least a hand supporting but not yet sit. 

So it was quite a feat to see him climbing all the way up without assistance right before he turned 8... 8  months that is.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The jetty of Kuala Merlimau

OK. Just something from yesterday.

Me and family took an inner road when we saw this signboard.

So we decided to check this out.

The area is situated near the mouth of the Merlimau river. Hence it is called Kuala (mouth of) Merlimau.

The river flows into the Straits of Melaka. So the jetty is the platform for local fishermen to get out into open waters.