Friday, January 18, 2013

Pantai Pasir Hitam, the black sand beach

Continued from The myth of Gua Cherita.

From Tanjung Rhu we drove westwards towards a place called Pantai Pasir Hitam.

Pantai means beach, Pasir is sand and Hitam is black in Malay.

This is because the sand here is indeed black.

The myth of Gua Cherita

Continued from Gua Kelawar - The Bat Cave.

Soon it was time to return to Tanjung Rhu.

We headed towards the open sea and started to follow the coast.

Soon this sign could be seen.

Close to Tanjung Rhu lies a long jetty.

It leads to a cave called Gua Cherita.

The myth or legend goes, more than a thousand years ago a giant bird called Garuda hid a Chinese princess in the cave to prevent her marriage to a Roman prince. 

For the record the story is mentioned in an old Malay classical text called the Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa.

Gua Kelawar - The Bat Cave

The boat then headed to another inland part.

Next stop is the wooden jetty to a tourist attraction.

Welcome to Gua Kelawar, the Bat Cave.

The waterway from Tanjung Rhu towards jetty to Kilim

Continued from The beach of Tanjung Rhu.

At the beach I decided to take the family for a boat trip.

From Tanjung Rhu the boat swerves above the Andaman Sea heading for a bay.

The trip should cover a number of places starting with a fish farm.

Here we spent a short while looking at quite a number of types of fishes swimming in their almost natural habitat. Almost...

Next is a spot often frequented by eagles.

This where people get to see the majestic birds swooping down on food thrown by boat operators.

Then we followed an inland waterway through a mangrove swamp.

We passed through steep valleys.

We even went through a cave known as Gua Buaya or cave of the crocodile.

It is called that because there is a combination of stones outside which looks like the mouth of a crocodile.

Soon the waterway widens up again giving way to what seemed like a private parking lot for yachts.

Then we can see a jetty which we have stepped upon earlier during the day. Look at the article The entry point to Kilim Geoforest.

The beach of Tanjung Rhu

Continued from Jetty of Tanjung Rhu.

Soon its time to check out the beach of Tanjung Rhu.

First, park the car at the stalls.

Then walk towards the beach. Ah... the view is already breathtaking from here.

Part of the beach is fenced as it is a private area under a resort.

Still the sand is alluring at both sides of the fence.

And the sea, the Andaman Sea. This is indeed a sight to behold...