Friday, March 01, 2013

A niece's Malay-'Scottish' wedding ceremony

Peace be upon you all. Today Friday the date is 1st March 2013 or 1.3.13. The nice date made me feel compelled to make new postings in every of my blogspots starting with this one.

Last Sunday, me and family went to a niece's wedding ceremony.

The niece is the eldest daughter of my wife's brother.

First we sat waiting under a canopy.

The wedding ceremony (the niece and husband have officially tied the knot a week earlier) was held at a hall in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) campus, Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur.

Walking around I saw what is a rather curious sight for a Malay wedding ceremony, a 'Scottish' band with kilts, bagpipes and all waiting to spring into action.

The ceremony was started with the family procession walking into the hall...

The band led in front playing their music. By the time I took this picture they were practically out of sight.

The band then settled at a corner.

The wedded couple also took their place...

A look around.

The wife and our baby, Johan.

A guest which used to be a quite popular singer, a middle-eastern guy known as Imad was invited to belt out a piece. For the record this is the 1,111th article in this blogspot.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The vast lake at Taman Metropolitan

The following day, after going somewhere which I've forgotten where, I rode my bike through the MRR II heading westward to Kepong. Passing by a public park called Taman Metropolitan I decided to make a stop.

The park has quite a vast and scenic lake.

It was almost sunset and I decided to enjoy the views...

A television interview on Islamic economics and finance

This is something quite special...

Last Thursday I went to a lawyer friend's office to honour an invitation.

Me and the friend, Taufiq Khalid Sahan were to be interviewed for a cable television program.

The program is called Islamic Finance Today, the host is lawyer-turned-financial consultant Amirul Haji Mohamad. That's me wearing a traditional Malay nobleman custome. Guess which one is Taufiq, which one is Amirul.

We were interviewed as members of a body called HIKMAH which I've founded on 12th October 2012. The body aims to empower Malay Muslim rights and sovereignity through increased awareness of pertinent matters like real history according to our people, not those written by the colonialists and orientalists. For the program our views on world economics were sought. This we did under the name HIKMAH's Islamic Economics Study Circle. 

Before recording we had rehearsals which also served as sound-checks.There were plenty of jabs and such. Everybody had fun.

After a while the actual recorded interview was completed.

Next, we have to give out one-liners to promote the program...

That was not all. Later we were joined by another friend, journalist Shamsul Yunos who was also a law graduate. Shamsul has been specialising in motoring for many years and was just returning from conducting a high-profile interview of an industry captain.

You see there were two sessions of interviews meant for two episodes of the program.

For this session Shamsul did plenty of talking while Taufiq looked on.

By the way, I was the only one who was not a law-grad. By training, I was meant to be a mathematician but turned out very much different...

There, second session done.

Then we did a promo posing with silver dirhams.

By the way Islamic Finance is shown on Unifi's channel 127 after Sunday 10 pm. The first session is due to be aired next week 3rd March, the second 17th March. Do tune in if you have the chance...