Friday, July 19, 2013

The lake called Danau Tempe

Later that we day we went up a hill just outside town.

From the summit one can have a good look around.

Below lies the town of Sengkang.

But I was more interested in the background.

For a closer looks shows a rather vast body of water.

It is the lake called Danau (lake of) Tempe, a proud natural landmark of Wajo'.

The road from Tanete to Wajo

On to the following day of the 3-12 May Makassar-Bugis trip. Continued from The waterfall of Bantimurung.

After Bantimurung we went to Barru about 110 km north of Makassar and spent the night there. The next day, Friday 10th May 2013 we started another long trip taking a small road from a small town a few kilometres south of Barru.

I can't remember the name of the town. What I do know it lies within a sub-district called Tanete.

Tanete used to be a small Bugis kingdom. We took the road ascending towards a mountain range to the east.

In fact we went climbed up high enough to get close to the summit of a mountain. 

I think the ridge of the mountain marks the border of Tenate as we descended into the district of Soppeng which used to be a bigger kingdom.

After some time descending the road became practically straight.

Soon we entered another district which also used to be a kingdom, the more prominent state of Wajo'. That's when I started to notice a rather distinct architecture. While the traditional houses have similar shapes to that in Makassar and other places, it is the wood carvings jutting out of the corners of the roof that shows local flavour.

Ah. The gate to the town of Sengkang, capital of Wajo'. The sub-district around use to be a sub-kingdom of Wajo'.

A certain warm feeling started to swell inside me upon entering the town and district. What can I say? It is said a Bugis ancestor of mine used to rule Sengkang before he was made the paramount ruler of Wajo'.