Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A visit to Bukit Melaka with the family

Last weekend me and wife brought the kids to Melaka and stayed at a guest house in town centre. From there we could walk to the main tourist attractions at Bandar Hilir, among it Bukit or Hill of Melaka.

Yhis place is known to many as Bukit (Hill of) St. Paul. Bukit Melaka is actually the old name before the city of Melaka was colonised by the Portuguese starting 1511.

The Portuguse then built a church on top. The Dutch colonised the city in 1641 and make it theirs.

It is the remain on the church which became a major attraction here.

This is supposed to be the statue of St. Paul, the Christian missionary who came after the Portuguese took control. The church is named after him and so the hill became by the same name...

The hill offers a wide vista of the city.

It happened that we went down as an art performance was in play...