Friday, January 10, 2014

Casual walk (or not so) at Lebuh Aceh

Just before dusk we arrived at the street called Lebuh Aceh.

Once upon a time the street and its surrounding was a Malay majority area. In fact it was THE place to gather and spend nights at for Muslims from half if not all the Malay Archipelago before taking ships to do the haj or pilgrim in Mecca.

Now, one is hardpressed to find evidence of Malay or Muslim control.

Sure it has its own attractions like this second-hand market I came across.

But does this reflect any Malay/Muslim control over it, over a place with the name Aceh still resounding as a once strong Muslim nation in South-East Asia? You tell me...

Another attraction is this mansion turned into an Islamic museum. Casually one would not notice anything except happy looking on-goings. But on deeper introspection, Lebuh Aceh nowadays started to smell like Kampung Gelam in Singapura where the Malays and their values seemed to have become like museum items for show.

A look at the waters facing Pulau Jerejak

Continued from A visit to Telok Tempoyak.

Next I went somewhere towards the north of Pulau Pinang's east coast.

I wanted to have a good look at the island of Pulau Jerejak which lies within the waters towards the mainland.

From here you can see the first bridge.

Close-up. Its traffic burden would soon be shared with the second bridge which lies about 9 km to its south.

A visit to Telok Tempoyak

Peace be upon you this Friday morning. Continuing from The road from Teluk Bahang to Balik Pulau.

Sunday 29th December 2013. After attending a meeting at Bayan Lepas me and family went around the south-east tip of the island of Pulau Pinang. That's when we came across a place called Telok (or Teluk) Tempoyak.

The name could be literally translated as the gulf of Tempoyak. Tempoyak is a Malay flavour-enhancing paste made from the thorny fruit durian.

I want to find a place to have a good look at the second bridge connecting the island to the mainland.

I understand it has been completed waiting for the right time to be opened. Now let's just have a look around...

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The road from Teluk Bahang to Balik Pulau

I wanted to stop at Teluk Bahang next but time was running short as we wanted to chase a function at Balik Pulau.

So we just drove through a part of Teluk Bahang passing by a man-made lake and a dam.

Then the road started to twist and turn going up a hill-side.

Elevation is quite high in later parts of the road. A check with Google Earth shows it reaches above 730 feet above sea level.

At certain parts I feel I must stop to savour the views better.

Too bad  I was in a rush and could not stop longer to enjoy better, not even to sit near a quite famous waterfall. Let it be noted that this is the 1,200th article in this blogspot.

Views from a cosy spot at Batu Feringgi

Our route that day must pass through the famous beach of Batu Feringgi. So we must make a stop.

From a cosy spot which was not busy, we relaxed and took in the views...

For the record this is the 1,199th article in this blogspot.

Views from the floating mosque of Tanjung Bunga

Next stop is a mosque at Tanjung Bunga, just before Batu Feringgi.

It was built on concrete stilts above water and became known as the floating mosque of Tanjung Bunga. From here one can get superb views of the surrounding.