Friday, April 04, 2014

Views from Kuta Leubok

Continued from Walking down to Kuta Leubok.

So there are remains of an old fort at Kuta Leubok which should be more than 500 years old. But I won't elaborate on it. You could see more of the fort in the article Benteng (Fort of) Kuta Leubok made in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART).

Here I'd rather enjoy the views. The hill seen in the background reminds me of the white cliffs of Dover in England.

There is also a nice beach besides Kuta Leubok.

For the record this is the 1,221th article in this blogspot.

Walking down to Kuta Leubok

Peace be upon you and a happy Friday. On 23-30 March me and family made our latest trip to Aceh and visited some new places apart from those we've been to before. A series on it has been started in my main blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU. As usual this blogspot would host some supporting articles...

Sunday 23rd March 2014. Not long after landing at the airport in Banda Aceh we visited a number of tombs. Then we went to a seaside area near a gulf called Teluk Lamreh. There is a historical place called Kuta Leubok which I have wanted to visit for some time. From the nearest road side we have to walk.

The roadside itself is situated on top of a hill area while Kuta Leubok is situated besides the body of water that is the Straits of Melaka. So to reach it we must walk some distance...

Oh. I came with my wife and kids. That's my boy Rasyid walking with the driver, our friend Agam.

Along with us is my 72-year-old mum and dad. They are not shown in these pictures as they were walking behind me while I snapped pictures in front.

Soon we were down the hill.

There, the water front in view.

See the ruins at the centre? That is what is left of the fort of Kuta Leubok. To be continued...