Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The cave called Loyang Koro

Gua Loyang Koro actually means the cave of Loyang Koro.

In order to get there you must walk down the roadside entrance.

Then one comes across this cave...

But the cave of Loyang Koro lies slightly further ahead.

Danau Lut Tawar from Gua Loyang Koro

As it is our round trip of the lake is made clockwise starting west towards east and back west. 

Almost closing the loop we arrived at a place called Gua Loyang Koro.

There lies this stall which was closed.

I climbed inside to take the views...

Touching the waters of Danau Lut Tawar

Besides the stall lies a trail going down.

Not satisfied with just the views from above we must go down.

Soon we can touch the cold waters of Danau Lut Tawar.

For the record this is the 1,234th article in this blogspot.

Danau Lut Tawar from a coffee stall

Further ahead we saw this building perched on top a hillside overlooking the lake.

It is a food stall or rather a coffee stall.

Looks like the views are better here.

So we took some time enjoying the vista while sipping coffee.

The views at Danau Lut Tawar

Continued from Morning trip to Takengon.

After 3 hours of drive plus half hour of pitstop or so we arrived at the town of Takengon. The town itself was not our main destination. It is the vast lake besides it that is the main object of visit.

Both lake and town is situated 4,000 feet above sea level. The town lies on one end while we wanted to make a round trip of the lake.

After 10 minutes or so leaving town we found a vantage point to stop at.

The views from here are superb...

The lake is called Danau Lut Tawar. For the record it is more than 4 km wide and almost 16 km long.

Morning trip to Takengon

Continued from The beach at Kuala Raja.

Soon its time to go to Takengon, the town on top of mountains.

As I passed this bridge the driver said this is the Peusangan river which originated from a vast mountain-top lake besides the town.

The road soon twists and turns as we climbed up the highlands.

There are parts that seemed to be perpetually under repair.

There are small towns apart from refreshing greeneries...

Wes stopped at a town not far from Takengon for lunch.

I noticed a mighty-looking peak in the background. A check using Google Earth shows it is more than 9,000 feet high from sea level while the town sits at about 6,000 feet lower.