Saturday, May 24, 2014

My home, Baitul Hikmah

Peace be upon you all. It has been almost 3 weeks since I've made an article at any of my blogspot. Although I've been doing some things and going to some places since then I hardly felt like talking about it. I'm also supposed to commit time to resume writing of my long overdue 8th book. But I'm still having troubling stringing the right sentences. Instead the last few days saw me more occupied thinking about what decorations to be added to beautify a new house occupied 4 months ago. Thus let some pictures be shared ... 

We start by looking from the front lawn. The carving I like to call as 'jutting tounge', the one going down sharply from corners of the roof  is one thing me and wife have long dreamed of having. For many years we've seen such shapes decorating old mosques and houses in some places especially in Perak. Oh ... let it be told the house is named Baitul Hikmah as we bought and repaired it while busy carrying out activities on Malay and Islam sovereignty under the name HIKMAH (our little NGO outfit). Look at the blogspot  Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH)

The view out from the front door. Could be seen yellow clothes used to decorate our resting hut. The nearly 13-year-old clothes were used to interact with the supernatural world, when I first started looking for my family genealogy. It was recommended by a person who delved into matters unseen. But I only used it for a few days, at most 2 weeks if not mistaken. There were some surprising and unbelievable results but my heart told me not to continue down that path. It was not the right way to get close to Allah almighty...

Indeed, I've delved in various kinds of knowledge throughout the course of my life. But many have been canceled until I became so empty moving on to a spiritual level of disconnecting from everything but remembrance of God.  I was told to take the road of the desolute, my heart hammered, beaten, stabbed and pierced by a variety of trials and tribulation. Ah. Memory of that particular portion of life's journey has strayed me from the current topic. Let's get back to the house ...

Wooden shelves made especially for traditional headgears. Modern caps have their own place.

Dining section.

Now let's get up to the attic section made to resemble traditional kampung or Malay village house.

See the colourful clothes? It was only installed 2 days ago.

Then there are curtains brought from the old house ..

I wanted this area to combine Malay flavour with Arabic and Persian touch. Work is still under progress.

The house has another level of attic. Let's check it out...

This section is specially made for me to be alone and get insight. Hopefully by sharing this new doors of inspiration will open up helping me to complete my 8th book and achieve better state of well-being. Amen ...:]