Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Old Machap mosque revisited

Continued from Muar river from Panchor.

Next we went to Machap, Melaka where lies an old mosque.

It is believed to have been built by a warrior who left the city of Melaka after the Portuguese invasion in 1511 AD.

Thus is the tomb of the warrior.

His mosque.

Situated besides a lake, man-made I think, the surrounding is very calming...

A closer look at the mosque...

It has been gazetted as a heritage building...

Muar river from Panchor

Next we went a few miles downriver and stopped by the small town of Panchor.

Situated besides the Muar river, it also offers scenic views of the long waterway...

A look upriver.

A look across.

A look downriver.

Muar river in front of the old mosque of Olak Sepam

This is from 2 days ago.

I brought some friends to Pagoh, Muar where we stopped by at an old mosque. Refer to the old article Revisiting the old mosque of Olak Sepam.

I have been here many times. This time I focused more on the Muar river in front.

A look upriver.

A look across.

A look downriver.