Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Johan's steps on Padang Tok Sheikh

Next we went up further towards the mountain's highest summit.

Close to the summit there is a trail leading to a place of much significance.

Welcome to Padang (field of) Tok Sheikh.

It is an open area said to have been used by an eminent religious master known as Tok Sheikh 900 years ago.

The last time me and family went up Gunung (mount of) Jerai was 4 years ago.

This tower marks the place where a mosque is believed to have been built by Tok Sheikh.

The last time we where here, our youngest kid, Johan was not born yet.

Now, he is almost 3 years-old. He seemed to have really enjoyed walking around these parts...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Views from the surau at Gunung Jerai resort

This is from 3 days ago.

Friday 16th January 2015, me and family went to the state of Kedah again, this time to conduct a function which would be held the following day. Upon arrival we felt like going up the mountain called Gunung Jerai where lies this surau (prayer hall) at its resort.

From the verandah of the surau you could get good views of the surrounding.

This place is situated more than 4,000 feet above sea level. For the record this is the 1,355th article in this blogspot.