Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beruas river at Pulau Meranti

The following day, Sunday 8th February 2015 we visited some places around the town of Beruas. Among it are old tombs at a place called Pulau Meranti. To reach it we have to go through an oil palm estate and cross a river.

On the way out I decided to take pictures at the bridge crossing the river.

The river is Beruas river. Here's a look upstream.

A look downstream...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The lake besides the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar Syah I Perak

Something from a recent trip to Perak.

Saturday 7th February 2015. Me and family visited the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar Syah I of Perak which has been recently renovated.

It seems that the surroundings have also been cleared and made more tidy. I have been to the tomb many times but this was the first time I noticed a rather wide body close by.

Ah. This is the lake the locals call Air Mati.

I understand it used to be part of the Perak river, a bend or so.

But a natural change in the course of the river over time left it isolated from the main body of the river. Thus the waters here became 'dead'. That is why it is called Air Mati which literally means dead (mati) water (air).