Thursday, March 05, 2015

Visiting prominent tombs in rural Aceh Besar

Jumping straight to the 5th day of the 13-19 February Aceh trip. Effectively continuing from Views towards Ujong Pancu.

Tuesday morning 17th February 2015. Me and some Aceh friends started  a road trip towards Pidie, a town about 110 km south-east from Banda Aceh. Along the way we entered a rural part of the district of Aceh Besar.

We visited the tomb of a prominent 19th century Aceh warrior and religious master called Teungku Chik di Tiro.

The first time I was here was in 2009. In 2010, the late Teungku Hasan di Tiro, a prominent descendant of Teungku Chik di Tiro was laid to rest inside the main building. He was the main leader of GAM, the Aceh separatist group who used to fight for independence from Indonesian rule.

Besides lies the tomb of a general of Teungku Chik.

He was known as Pang Lamreh if not mistaken. Our friend Mujib (the one in light blue) is a descendant...

We went on further down the rural roads.

Next stop, the burial ground for the family of Panglima Polem, an illustrious line of Acehnese noble leaders and fighters.

Still at Aceh Besar we visited the tomb of a 17th century religious master who came from Baghdad.

Inside the tomb complex lies a number of tombs which should belong to family members.

There is also a surau, a small praying hall from olden times.