Saturday, March 14, 2015

KL from top floor of the DBP

Peace be upon you all. This is from 4 days ago...

Tuesday morning 10th February I attended a function at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, the national body entrusted in upholding usage of the Malay language. 

Popularly known by the abbreviation DBP it has a skyscraper as part of its complex. 

The function was held at the 31st floor, the highest habitable level.

I'm not sure if I've been on this floor before. 

I have been to DBP many times, often for functions at either the ground level or the 2nd floor. 

Perhaps I've been up to this level but never checked out the verandah. 

This time I went out at and had a good view of KL, the city of Kuala Lumpur.

Thank God for the beautiful weather and clear sky.

The last time I was high up on a skyscraper, I had to be contented by some hazy views. Look at the old articles Up the Telekom Tower at Bukit Nenas after 15 years or so Completing a round of KL aerial views from Bukit Nenas

Friday, March 13, 2015

Maulidur Rasul celebration at tomb of Syiah Kuala

Time to close stories on the 13-19 February Aceh visit. Jumping straight to the 7th and final day. Continuing from Visiting prominent tombs in rural Aceh Besar.

Thursday morning 19th February 2015. I was brought to the Syiah Kuala tomb complex for a big event.

Syiah Kuala was a major 17th century religious master of saintly status. His tomb is often visited by many.

But it is not often so many people come here. For this was a Maulidur Rasul celebration, commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW more that 1,400 years ago.

According to the Muslim calendar, the Prophet's birthdate was sometime more that a month earlier.

But for Muslims celebration can last up to months later.

In Aceh the Maulidur Rasul is celebrated everyday for 100 days. 

It's just a matter of changing places, where and when. The one at the tomb of Syiah Kuala is a major celebration attended by tens of thousand people.