Sunday, April 12, 2015

Going to a newly-discovered waterfall in Sri Gombak continued

The newly-opened settlement was actually opened by the friend leading us up here and his group of friends who call themselves the Zero Team.

The land around is owned by a member of the group since 20 years ago but it was only opened 5 months ago when the group was inspired to a find a nice getaway from modern life.

It was opened in stages. Two weeks ago while going further into the jungle they found a nice waterfall.

After some time talking to the group at their settlement which they've decided to call as Kampung Tauhid me, family and friend started to make the walk to the waterfall.

The path was slippery at many parts. It has been raining intermittenly the last few days.

At times we have to climb.

Soon enough we arrived at the said waterfall, the one the group found 2 weeks ago.

It might not be a big one but it was enough to have a decent refreshing bath.

We were told that is the 1st one in a series of waterfalls they've discovered later.

Some of us decided to climb up further to check it out...

I did not take pictures at every stage but rest assured we've went up all 7 waterfalls. In fact I pressed on further just to make sure if there is any more waterfall up there. Glad to say that this is a series of what could be said to be virgin waterfalls. Who would have thought they have such a place at Sri Gombak, a bustling residential area at the edge of KL?

Going to a newly-discovered waterfall in Sri Gombak

Peace be upon you all. Just something from a small trip yesterday.

Satuday 11th April 2015 sometime at 3.30pm. Me and family went to a local hall at Sri Gombak at the northern edge of Kuala Lumpur to meet up some friends. We then followed another friend who led us up a residential hill. He wanted to show the way to a newly discovered waterfall.

As it turned out we have to take the road leading to a housing area called Taman Bukit Permata. That' when I realised we could have taken a short cut as I've been here a number of times visitng a friend. I take it the guy showing us the way wanted us to now how to get up here via the main route.

It's just I've never noticed there is a Muslim graveyard just before the houses.

To get to the waterfall we must pass through the graveyard.

Then there is still some 2 km to cover passing through a stretch of red earth road, tarred road then some gravel path...

The route is actually used by TNB (the national electricty board) to maintain some electricity pylons along the way.

Soon we arrived at what seemed to be a newly opened settlement. From here we were adviced to walk. To be continued.