Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Quaint views of Pahang river at Chenor

Peace be upon you all. Something quite fresh, from 2 days ago.

Monday 20th April 2015. I followed a friend to the small town of Chenor where lies this hut overlooking the mighty Pahang river. 

It is situated near the local jetty.

Time to savour the quaint views...

Looking towards upriver one could see a rather long bridge...

Turning anti-clockwise a hill called Bukit Bertam if not mistaken came into view.

Turning further anti clock-wise one could see an old mosque across...

Viewing towards downriver...

Could be seen an island in the middle. Can't remember the name though. It sounded like Pulau (island of) Sempagi, Sempadi or so...

p/s : Later after writing this article, while driving towards a nearby kampung at my neighbourhood in Rawang, Selangor came to mind the name is Pulau Pesagi. A check with Google shows this is indeed the name of the island in the picture. It is about 1 km long and 280 meters wide...