Saturday, July 18, 2015

Muda river from the bridge at Jeniang

Next, I walked to the bridge.

At the middle I stopped to catch better views.

That's the Muda river flowing downriver.

The local police station.

On for an upriver view...

Muda river from Jeniang police station

Continuing the storytelling from Enjoying the views from Gunung Jerai resort... again.

The following day, Thursday 9th July 2015 we went to the small town of Jeniang to look for an archaeology site. Stopped by at the local police station to ask for direction.

The station is situated at a high ground overlooking this bridge.

The bridge and the Muda river it crosses make a rather panoramic view...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Enjoying the views from Gunung Jerai resort... again

Peace be upon you all. Something from just over a week ago...

 Last Wednesday me and a group of people went up to Gunung (mount) Jerai in Kedah.

If I remember correctly this is my 7th time up this mountain.

So I think I have shared pictures from this part of Gunung Jerai before, that is from the only resort available up here.

But there is no harm in sharing pictures again especially from a new trip which should be the 7th one. For the record this is the 1,414th article in this blogspot...