Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beruas raya open house invite

Peace be upon you all. Last weekend me and family went off to Beruas in Perak to conduct a function. The night before the function started we were told that our group of Malay sovereignty activists were invited to attend a raya (Muslim Malay festive celebration) open house in town. Here is the story...

Our function which is called HIKMAH Beruas was held starting 9 am at a community hall in Kampung Banjar, 15 km south of the town of Beruas. Our itinerary was already packed when we received the invite. And we were expecting participants to come from many far away places turning up at different times. So it would have been much easier to just turn the invite down.

But it would have been rude and unthoughtful if we did that. So despite the fact that the invite could severely disrupt over intended proceedings, we decided to bring some members on to Beruas town.

The decision on how to handle the matter all rest on me. After weighing all the options, I found the solution. It's just a matter of going out at the right time after our function has started. Then we could reshuffle back our itinerary...

We left our function venue after 12 and arrived at the open house, held at the town's field about 20 minute later.

So there we were in our old traditional Malay attire.

Indeed, the sight of us is one to behold...

We were honoured as special guests coming from all over Malaysia. In fact we have members coming overseas from Aceh and Bentan.

Apart from honouring the invite, it was also an opportunity to state to the locals that we intend to make field visits to a number of historical places around. And thus their permission plus blessings were sought...