Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sunset in Lumut

Continuing from Tombs of the kings of Beruas.

The site visits have made me and family quite exhausted. After getting a few hours of rest we left Beruas and decided to make a visit to Lumut.

Facing the wide Dinding river close to its mouth Lumut offers nice God-given views.

It was almost dusk and we decided to enjoy the sceneries from a waterfront to the west outside town.

That's the river mouth in view. To the left are hills on the island of Pangkor.

Moving on to the waterfront besides town.

From there we viewed the sunset...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Tombs of the kings of Beruas

Continuing from Feted by Kampung Kota folks.

With lunch and welcoming by Kampung Kota folks done and over with we headed for the next site which lies inside the village.

Welcome to the place known as the tombs of the kings of Beruas.

There are a number of old tombs situated within this area...

While the clear identity of those laid to rest here has not been ascertained without doubt, one thing is for sure - They were not ordinary citizens.

The tombstones, and location in fact suggest that those laid to rest are citizens of high standing, aristocary, religious masters and such. Perhaps only one or two were kings or rulers. Still this area is formally known as the tombs of the kings of Beruas.

At another part of the village of Kampung Kota lies another set of tombs also known as the tombs of the kings of Beruas...

But it covers a much smaller area. The visit to this area marked the end of our formal tour to sites in and around Beruas.

Feted by Kampung Kota folks

Continuing from Convoy to Pulau Meranti.

From Pulau Meranti we went to the village of Kampung Kota via a rural road.

Kampung Kota has some ancient tombs which we would like to visit next. But before that we stopped at this hall besides the main road.

We came here because the locals invited us to have lunch with them.

Refer to the article Beruas raya open house invite. During the open house held on Saturday I get to announce to the thousands of locals attending the intention of my group to make site visits on Sunday to historical places around Beruas.

Kampung Kota was mentioned as one of the places to be visited. The village locals got excited after hearing this and made plans to fete us.

So there we were at the hall having lunch prepared by the locals.

After we have had our fill they gave some welcoming speech. 

They could have done the speech earlier but opted to do it later as they realised we were famished after visiting a few places...