Friday, September 11, 2015

Going to the Aceh booth at MATTA Fair

OK. On Sunday, 6th September 2015 I brough the wife and kids to the MATTA Fair.

It is basically a tourism fair. People came here by the droves to get bargain holiday packages...

As far as I could remember this is the first time we ourselves came to such a fair.

This is because we are used to planning our own holidays with such shoe-string budgets that we have no problem sleeping in mosque and the likes when the need arises.

The only reason we went to the MATTA Fair is because we were told our Aceh friends got a booth to themselves.

We went there to show support.

And my wife even pitched about Aceh to some of the people who came about...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Perak river from besides Tok Sagor racing circuit

Something from Perak last Saturday...

Me and family were at the Tok Sagor racing circuit, about 1.5 km south-east of the small town of Kampung Gajah. The circuit is situated besides the Perak river, across from Pasir Salak Resort.

A look upriver...

A look across (again)...

A look downriver. There was a temporary jetty for use of people going to and fro across the Perak river for the said event.

Going onto the jetty...

A look upriver...

A look across...

A look downriver..