Thursday, November 19, 2015

Maulana Malik Ibrahim gallery

Returning back to the Jawa Timur (East Java) stories after a rather long hiatus. Continuing from Commemorating the deeds of Wali Songo.

Sunday 25th October 2015. We left Pasuruan to visit the tomb of an olden personality known as Sayyid Jamadil Kubro at Troloyo, Mojokerto. Then we went to the tomb of Maulana Malik Ibrahim in Gresik. At the tomb complex lies this gallery.

The galery provides some information on Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Born in Champa, he came to the island of Java in 1392 and became the first Wali Songo (famous 9 saints of Java).

The galery also shows the condition of his tomb many many years ago and after.

All in all it provides information on things related to Maulana Malik Ibrahim...