Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Teluk Kemang beach after 3 years or so...

In the afternoon I drove to Port Dickson and decided to stop by at the beach of Teluk Kemang.

If I remember correctly it has been more than 3 years since I made a stop around here.

 I noticed the facade has changed significantly.

The beach on the other hand remained the same...

Linggi river at Pengkalan Kempas (again)

On to the following day around Linggi. Continuing from The peak called Batu Putih at Tanjung Tuan.

Wednesday morning 28th September 2016. After spending the night at a tomb of a person known as Sheikh Ahmad Majnun in Pengkalan Kempas I went to a nearby jetty.


It is situated besides the Linggi river.

I have been here many times and wrote an article on it once. Look at The Linggi river near Pengkalan Kempas.

This time I saw some sort of addition.

There is a signboard claiming this as a site for the ancestors of the Chinese to land at... that is when they migrated from their native land in China.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

The peak called Batu Putih at Tanjung Tuan

To complete the day I went to the forest reserve of Tanjung Tuan.

I have climbed the hills here many times and as always would head up to the lighthouse there.

Only this time I noticed a new jungle path has been opened some 50-100 metres before the light house.

Curious, I followed the route for a trek.

At that time there were 2 other visitors taking the route close to me...

Along the way we met visitors who have completed the trek.

The route ends on some white-coloured stones...

This one must climb up to complete the trek.

It is called Bukit (hill of) Batu (stone) Putih (white).

Views from on top...

Wooden bridge on to an island in Port Dickson

Taking a coastal rural road further going northwards I came across this stretch.

Nearby lies an island.

I could see a wooden bridge leading towards it...

See the hills in the background? That's part of Tanjung Tuan, also known as Cape Rachado. The hills should be about 10-15 km south of the town of Port Dickson. This stretch on the other hand is a few kilometres further south.

Looking at the bridge I just can't help trying to cross it.

Views along the way...

Closing on to the island.

Too bad the staircase were in bad condition and partly submerged under water.

A look behind...