Friday, November 18, 2016

The new rest area at Tasik Banding

Continuing (in a sense) from Kelantan river from Gajah Mati.

After spending 3 nights in Kelantan me and family returned home via the east-west highway to Perak. The route passes through the vast man-made lake called Tasik Banding. There we decided to make a stop.

There is a new building here. It looks like the new rest area. 

It hasn't been opened though. Let's have a look around.

The views are about the same as in my previous visits. It's just my camera is out of focus...

But the area itself has gone through some major changes. Compare this to pictures from a visit made more than 4 years ago. Look at Entry point to the Royal Belum forest...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Kelantan river from Gajah Mati

Peace be upon you all. On 29 Oct-1 Nov I made another trip to Kelantan. This time by driving, with the wife and kids.

Here I'd like to show some pictures of the Kelantan river from a place called Gajah Mati.

It is actually situated very close to Kota Bahru city centre. A look downriver...

A look across.

A look upriver. Sorry the pictures are not so clear. My camera's focus mechanism was spoiled after a nasty fall less than a month ago.