Friday, March 03, 2017

To Siak on the trishaw bike

From old Pelalawan I went towards new Pelalawan hoping to get a more comfortable transport to get to my next destination, Siak. As it turned out there was no more vans and such for the day so I decided to continue the journey using the same trishaw motorbike.

The time was about 5.15 pm when I arrived at the road connecting Siak and new Pelalawan (or Pengkalan Kerinchi). From there to Siak the distance is about 60 km.

But overall the road condition is such that it would take an hour to reach Siak even in a decent car.

On a trishaw bike which can go at the fastest 50km/h, even then when going downhill, how do you expect to fare?

With an average speed that tends to linger around 20-30 kmh, how would fast could one reach Siak?

Speed aside it is not as comfortable as travelling in a car.

I had to endure a lot of bumps and uneven road surface which tends to jolt the trishaw.

Then there's the cold blowing wind as the dark approached. For the record this picture was taken at 6.33. It was already dusk.

Thank God I was also already in Siak.

It's just it was still a few kilometres to town.

Crossing the Siak river...

Approaching town. Time was 6.44.

The Siak palace marks that I have already arrived . Have to look for a place to lodge and rest...

Kampar river from a village in old Pelalawan

Leaving Pelalawan kingdom's centre of rule area we passed through a village.

It is still within the area of old Pelalawan, just slightly out of the ruling centre. It is situated besides and upstream part of the Kampar river.

Here's a view towards further upstream...

View across...

View downstream...

The rural road I took riding as a passenger on a trishaw bike is mostly located along the river.

A view further upstream, Then its time to totally leave old Pelalawan.

Kampar river from Pelalawan kingdom centre

After the mosque and a tomb area in front of it I went to the palace called Istana Sayap.

The palace marks the centre of rule of the Pelalawan kingdom. In front of it lies this roofed walkway.

It leads to a jetty facing the Kampar river.

A look upriver...

A look across...

A look downriver...

New Pelalawan to old Pelalawan by trishaw bike

Peace be upon you this Friday. Entering the 7th day of the Sumatera trip 25 January - 1 February...

Tuesday 31st January 2017. From Pekanbaru I went to the town of Pengkalan Kerinchi.

Actually I wanted to get to the centre of an old kingdom called Pelalawan, I took a public transport van from Pekanbaru asking if the driver goes to Kota (town of) Pelawan, He said yes and I just followed suit.

When I was asked to drop down saying I have arrived at my preferred destination then only I realised there was a misunderstanding.

For the record the kingdom of Pelalawan has ceased to exist. Taking its place is the modern district of Pelalawan.

Later did I understand then when I asked to go to Kota Pelalawan most people take that as referring to the Pelalawan district capital town. Its real name is Pengkalan Kerinchi but it is also popular known as Kota Pelalawan...

If one wants to go to the old Kota Pelalawan, capital of the kingdom of Pelalawan then one should ask for kecamatan (sub-district of) Pelalawan, not Kota (town of city of) Pelalawan.

I was told the old Pelalawan is now just a village. Kecamatan in this context literarily refers to countryside Pelalawan.


Anyway from Pengkalan Kerinchi which is effectively the new Pelalawan I got a trishaw bike to get to old Pelalawan.

It was a 40km + travel through the countryside, palm estates and such with not much modern building in sight.

At this juncture I have arrived in old Pelalawan...

The mosque seen in this picture is a remnant of the centre of the Pelalawan kingdom which ceased to exist in 1946.