Friday, March 10, 2017

Melaka river near Melaka Pindah

Peace be upon you this wonderful Friday. Something from last weekend.

Saturday afternoon 4th March 2017. Me and family returned to my native hometown Muar for holiday. On the way we took a slip road at Alor Gajah. At one part the road goes along this river...

I understand this is the Melaka river.

The location here is close to a place called Melaka Pindah...

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Small 51C reunion in Damansara Utama

Continuing from the article Sports day at Sungai Buaya village school. On to 2 days later...

Tuesday night 28th February 2017. I joined a small reunion meet and dinner with room-mates from my college days at the PPP?ITM 'A Levels' 1988-1989.

Its been some time since we gathered. There were only 1/3 of the whole lot of 20 or so who could make it but hey, it's still good to see them after all this while. Just for proserity's sake let me immortalise this meet in this article. For the record the last time we had such a meet was almost 8 years ago. It was done at the same restaurant close to our old college. Have a look at the old article Ngeteh' session at Viccudha Damansara Utama....

Sports day at Sungai Buaya village school

Bringing the storytelling back home after some time talking about things abroad. 

Sunday morning 26th February 2017. Me and wife went to our son's school at the village of Sungai Buaya, Rawang, Selangor.

Actually we just went to the school field.

I think most people can guess it was sports day...

Just like other parents we were there to show support for the event, the school and our kids...

Kampar and Siak rivers along with some rivers outside of Malaysia

Some sort of follow up from the recently finished storytelling on Sumatera travel...

Its been my practice over many years that after finishing a series of stories on a significant travel I would compile all related articles made in this blogspot along with those made in the Malay language blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU and bilingual SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) . By significant I mean travels that take time, normally 5 days or more each. A compilation article for each travel would be formed to be featured in my main blogspot CATATAN.  A copy would be shared in this blogspot with English translation.

Since last year I've grown tired of making compilation copies here. Recently I've just finished the storytelling on my travel in the middle part of Sumatera 25th January - 1 February 2017 and a compilation article has been made for CATATAN. That series feature a number of articles showing the Kampar and Siak rivers from different place and angles, articles which are displayed in this blogspot to support the main storytelling in CATATAN. Those two rivers are among the main rivers in Sumatera and today I've decided to form a compilation of links for articles on the rivers. 

This should show my attention to the rivers besides forming additions to links featured under a permanent section called "Fascination with rivers" on the right sidebar of this blogspot. Here goes. As usual links are arranged to show upstream parts going downstream...

Kampar river

First proper look at Danau Koto Panjang

Danau Koto Panjang from the edge down the lakeside restaurant

Siak river

Siak river from Syahabuddin mosque

For the record "Fascination with rivers" features views from different places and angles of 33 rivers around Peninsular Malaysia. The sub-section on foreign rivers or those outside of Malaysia features only 3 rivers so far - The Aceh river in Aceh along with Brunei and Belait rivers in Brunei. Even then it has not been updated since the section was introduced many years ago. Here, while I'm at it I feel like adding more links on the Aceh river based on later visits and those on other foreign rivers visited but yet to be featured.

Aceh river

Babalan river (In Langkat, south-east of Aceh)

Riau river (Island of Bentan)

And the following 3 rivers are from my visit to West Kalimantan on Borneo island middle of 2015...

Kapuas river

Mempawah river

Sambas river

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Last look at Pekanbaru

Continuing from the article Siak river from the bridge off Siak town.

From Siak I arrived at the fringe of Pekanbaru city at around 5. My flight back to Malaysia was scheduled to take off after 8. So I decided to go to the city centre first to spend some time...

From the point I was dropped by local transport I walked to the city's main road.

I walked to and fro and around it to savour the life and view before its time for to leave...

Siak river from the bridge off Siak town

Soon its time for me to leave Siak town and head back to Pekanbaru.

To do that one must first take this bridge across the Siak river...

A look downriver. Siak town is about 2.5 km to that direction.

A look upriver. Pekanbaru is about 90 km away by river.

By road it is about 10 km further...

Monday, March 06, 2017

Siak river from Syahabuddin mosque

Continuing from Siak river from Siak town.

Further upriver lies the Syahabuddin mosque.

From its compound you could also get nice views of the Siak river...