Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 visit to the tomb of Sheikh Abdullah Kana'an

Later in the afternoon we visited the tomb of religous master known as Sheikh Abdullah Kana'an.

It is situated at a rural area outside the city of Banda Aceh.

This master lived about 800 years ago...

Just outside his tomb building lie another tomb building belonging to a later day saint known as Tengku Chik Kuta Karang...

2017 visit to the tomb of Sayyid Mukammil

At the north-west end of the market area lies a street which has an alley leading to a special place.

The place is the tomb of complex of Saidil Mukamil or Sayyid Mukammil. I have been here at least twice before.

This refers to a prominent Aceh Sultan who ruled in the end of the 16th century AD.

This new visit was not planned. As it happened we were nearby and found the right alley leading to it after walking around the market area. So why not make a stop?

The market area around Baiturrahman mosque

The reason we went to the western part of Banda Aceh was to pick up some stuff left at a hotel we lodged at a few days earlier. From there we again took trishaw bikes but this time to get to the mosque of Baiturrahman at the city centre.

We have set a meeting with an Acehness friend at the mosque but that is for later in the afternoon. 

Meanwhile we have time to look at what's around...

We wanted to have a last look at the market area around the mosque as the following day we were scheduled to return back to Malaysia by the morning flight...

The market area includes the part and street designated as Pasar Aceh, the market of Aceh.

This time we concentrated on the main part of the market area. 

It is much livelier compared to the parts shown in the article Walking around the back parts of Pasar Aceh made 12 days ago...

Taking the motorbike trishaw across Banda Aceh

After having breakfast we left Ulee Kareng to get to another part of Banda Aceh by motorbike trishaws.

I took one with an older son while the wife took another with our youngest son and a female friend.

The motorbike trishaws are a convenient mode of transport to get to anywhere in Banda Aceh.

Its either this or the van or some sort  of pick-ups which ply their own fixed routes around.

You have to wait for the vans or pickups to arrive at the roadside where you're at before you can take one.  And it tends to take time before one arrives...

The motorbike trishaws on the other hand are practically available anywhere all the time...

And we wanted to get to a place towards the western fringe of Banda Aceh.

To get there from Ulee Kareng which lies on the eastern fringe we'd have to take a van or pickup to the Banda Aceh city centre. Then take another van or pickup to our intended destination on the west.

Soon we arrived at our destination.

That's the motorbike trishaw ferrying my wife and the rest...