Thursday, May 04, 2017

Climbing up Bukit Singa - Part III

With no way up to the summit looking clear while bad weather loomed in the horizon I was on the verge of giving up.

So I retraced my steps going down to call it a day.

Even going down one can get lost on the many intersecting plantation paths, terraces and gravel way for tractors and 4WD vehicles... if not for the fact that the hillside has been cleared for a new batch of palm trees or such. 

That allowed me to gauge my direction just by finding back where my car was parked down there at the foothill...

In time I came back to the last forking way of which I seemed to have taken the wrong turn. 

That's when I decided why not take the way to the right which also seems to lead up?

This time I hit jackpot. Following the way without diverging out I soon found myself at the foot of the main peak.

Still I decided to follow the way further...

After some time I realised it leads to a lower peak of the hill.

To get to the highest peak I have to do some rock climbing. I was not wearing the right gear and it soon started to rain. At least I have met my target to get to the foot of the highest peak. So that was enough for the day.

Climbing up Bukit Singa - Part II

At some parts the plantation path meets with the way for tractors and 4WD vehicles.

It's  just the way also forks out at some points leading the certain levels of terraced plantation paths.

Not knowing which paths could lead to the summit I just follow whichever seems to lead to the top.

From certain angles the highest peak looks like it has a human face wearing the traditional Malay headgear called tanjak carved on it.

As the way up forks again I decided to try the one to the left.

After following it for some time I realised it took me further and further away from the peak. 

And stepping into a plantation path which seems to head way back to the peak I found no connecting way or path leading up to target...

Climbing up Bukit Singa - Part I

Peace be upon you. Referring to the article Kedah side of Kuala Muda. The following day I was in the state of Perak.

After spending some time in the royal town of Kuala Kangsar I headed for Ipoh via the old trunk road and saw this odd-looking hill before the town of Sungai Siput.

I have passed this way many times before but it was only this time that I felt like making a climb up.

I took the plantation path to get to up higher and higher...

Little that I realised then that the easier way up was to follow a gravel road for tractors and 4WD vehicles going towards the summit... 

By the way the hill is known as Bukit Singa or Lion Hill.

From some angles it looks like a seating lion or rather the sphinx. The peak or rather the twin peaks look like ears on the lion's head...