Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pahang river from Kuala Bera

Going further east and upriver we soon arrived at Kuala Bera.

The name refers to the mouth of the Bera river seen here...

Like the Chini river (refer to the article Pahang river at Kuala Chini) the Bera river also flows into the Pahang river.

The Bera also connects Pahang river to a lake,Tasik (lake of) Bera. It's just the Bera, river and lake are much bigger than Chini. And Bera lake lies much much further, towards the state of Negeri Sembilan and Johor...

Going for a better look at the Pahang river close to Bera river mouth...

Pahang river from Kampung Sanding

Comtinuing from Pahang river at Kuala Chini.

Travelling further east following the Pahang river we next stopped at this stall for tea.

It is situated very close to the Pahang river...

I was told the name of this place is Kampung (village of) Sanding...

Slightly upriver and across lies a stone called Batu Gajah, the elephant stone...

Pahang river at Kuala Chini

Continuing from New visit to Tasik Chini.

Next stop is a place called Kuala Chini.

Kuala means estuary and this refers to mouth of the Chini river.

The Chini river flow into the much bigger Pahang river. Here's looking at the bigger body of water...

The actual mouth of Chini river lies somewhere behind the greens to the left. But the name Kuala Chini refers to a wide area.

Seen besides is the Chini river.

Tasik (lake of) Chini is connected to Pahang river by this river...

New visit to Tasik Chini

Sharing more on places visited in Pahang.

Sunday 30th April 2017. After spending some time in Pekan we went to Tasik (lake of) Chini.

The lake can be viewed from a number of places. Look at the old articles Lake Chini from the resort and Lake Chini from Kampung Gumum based on our previous visit in 2011. 

This time we'd like to concentrate on views from the lake's main resort and jetty...

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Sungai Pahang from Ganchong water plant

We went on southwards to get to Pekan, some 40-50 km from Kuantan. A few kilometres from Pekan I took a right junction and then another right junction to get to a place called Ganchong where we saw a water plant. 

As it is located close to the Pahang river I decided to drive in for a closer look.

There is this platform hanging over a bank.

From there I had a good look at the vast body of water that is the Pahang river... the longest river in Peninsular Malaysia...