Saturday, September 09, 2017

Perak river from Kuala Kangsar promenade

Continuing from The mountain road to Simpang Pulai.

After Ipoh we headed to the Perak royal town of Kuala Kangsar. Arriving in town we headed straight to this promenade.

It faces the Perak river.

A view downriver.

A view across...

A view upriver.

The mountain road to Simpang Pulai

Peace be upon you. Continuing the storytelling from the article Up the highest obvious peak at Cameron Valley.

Sunday morning 27th August 2017. After spending a night at Tanah Rata it's time to leave the Cameron Highlands.

Heading north pass Brinchang and Kampung Raja we soon arrived at this junction.

Turning right would have lead us to Gua Musang in Kelantan. We went left to get to Ipoh in Perak.

The road then started to wind down to lower altitudes towards Ipoh... or rather towards a place called Simpang Pulai.

The last time we took this road was probably 7 years ago. There had been some changes including this cliff-side platform of sorts ...

But still views of the sceneries are essentially the same... beautiful as ever...

I was particularly impressed by the shape of this mountain.

After some time we arrived at a part where the road is divided by cement blocks.

That followed by views of limestone hills indicate we were getting close to Ipoh.

Simpang Pulau refers to a junction where  the road meets the old north-south trunk road. From the junction it is about 10 km to Ipoh city centre...

Friday, September 08, 2017

Up the highest obvious peak at Cameron Valley

Continuing from Checking out the tea farm at Cameron Valley.

The waterfall is normally the furthest point visitors tend to venture to at this tea farm. Besides it lies this small peak and we felt like climbing it.

However the pathway that seems to lead to it also points to higher peaks...

So we thought why not press on and go to the higher ones...

A look around the tea farm.

Come a certain part we decided to veer of the path and climb through the trees...

Climbing along were 3 other visitors who were bold enought to venture far.

Yet it was my wife and kids who actually showed the way with me watching over, sometimes checking out in front for obstacles...

There. We have arrived at what is the obvious highest peak within the Cameron Valley tea farm.

A look around...

And horay for everyone! :]

Checking out the tea farm at Cameron Valley

Continuing from Picking strawberries at a walkway farm.

Just a road-bent after the strawberry farm lies the place called Cameron Valley...

It is a big tea farm with a cafe overlooking it...

Visitors can walk down to the tea farm for a small charge...

There is a small waterfall at one of the farm's lowest point.