Monday, December 04, 2017

Checking out the PLUS highway viewing point near Negeri Sembilan-Melaka border

Continuing from Rawang bypass finally opened.

Yesteday afternoon Sunday 3rd December 2017 I brought the kids southwards to Muar via the PLUS Highway. Somewhere near the Negeri Sembilan-Melaka there is a small stop for rest which has stairs leading to the summit of small hill.

I stopped because I was feeling very sleepy. But upon seeing the stairs I felt like going up with the kids.

Soon we arrived at the summit...

Checking out views towards the highway...

Rawang bypass finally opened

Referring to the article Checking out the Rawang-Bypass made 26th October.  On Wednesday 29th November I found out the bypass was finally opened and decided to check it out (again) in the afternoon.

This time I started with a car from the northern entry point just before the town of Serendah...

As I go along I could see a number of road users also excitingly checking out the scenery...

On the the elevated parts...

Stopping by the roadside I had to a have closer look  on how the elevated parts could rise up to 60 metres above ground...

Checking out the Expo Negaraku 2017

Continuing the storytelling from Johan's kindergarten graduation for 2017.

Saturday afternoon 26th November 2017 we went to Dataran Merdeka or the Merdeka Square to check out an exhibition.

It is called Expo Negaraku 2017.

A number of futuristic looking tents were erected for the month or so long exhibition.

The scene inside a dome-like tent...

We thought they were going to show a movie or so on the ceiling. Well they showed a rather cliche advertisement on solidarity at these shapes in front.

Frankly that advertisement spoiled my mood at the exhibition. I felt like many Malaysians were being intellectually insulted by it. Yet to be fair we went out to check out other parts of the exhibition.

As we came across displays such at this it was apparent that the exhibition was heavily politically motivated. There was a clear attempt to deny the 22 years of progress delivered by a former Prime Minister and false attempt to paint the current one as the father of the future...

Thank God there are exhibitions such as this at another dome.

It is a nice diversion from many of the exhibitions that I felt were heavily tinged with political propaganda.

At least this one featuring the rain forest is subtle, that is if it does have any political points to achieve.

Then there's one part where the viewers were visually and virtually whisked via a 'cable car' and an 'elevator' to view national progress.

But the most astounding visually is inside a dome which resembles a sort of planetarium...

And so future Malaysia was shown almost 3D on wide screen covering the whole dome.

The political flavour trying to paint the current Prime Minister as the master of development is still there. But at least one can forget about that while being engulfed in the visuals...

Johan's kindergarten graduation for 2017

This is from 10 days ago...

Friday morning 24th November 2017 me and wife went to our youngest son kindergarten for the year's graduation.

There he is standing on the left. Aged 5 going to be 6 Johan was asked to wear traditional Malay clothing.

Naturally there were many excited parents...

The kids aged 4 to 6 years old were asked to take stage and sing some songs...

Gifts and presents were given for graduation and notable performance in school...

Then a small birthday celebration was held for those born in November and December before everyone was asked to eat and drink...