Monday, December 31, 2018

First impression of Phnom Penh

We left Kampong Cham at around 12.18 by bus to Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia. Some 3 hours later we entered the said city.

It turned out to be a sprawling big city...

And there are a number of modern highrise buildings...

Yet traditional looking monuments still features well in the overall cityscape...

But it was not yet time to really enjoy Phnom Penh.

For our main destination that day still lies a distance away...

For that we wanted to get to the train station and catch our train to the said place...

Views from the tallest building at Kampong Cham

Continuing from Walking around Kampong Cham town.

Next to our hotel lies what I saw as the tallest building at Kampong Cham.

It is another hotel. I must take in views from the top before leaving town. 

Thank God the hotel people allowed me up...

So there I was enjoying views of Kampong Cham and the Mekong river from many angles...

Somehow these reminded me of my hometown Muar during its quieter days...

For comparison do look at the old article Views from on top of Muar town... made almost 11 years ago...

Just for my own record this is the 1,929 article in this blogspot.

Walking around Kampong Cham town

After having breakfast at the only halal foot stall at the town centre market I decided to take the wife and kids for a walk around Kampung Cham town.

We started at around 9.39 am local time. The town looked relaxed and unhurried.

In fact based on observations starting from the previous day the streets were hardly filled with vehicles...

All in all the sceneries were rather quiet and quaint as we walked 2.5 km covering many parts around the town centre...